Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 18 32 56.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
69 0 0 21 $next_token_type == 70 and $next_token_data eq 'shift'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
15 6 3 $$args{'prohibit_many_args'}{'max_arguments'} || 5

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
32 0 21 177 $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 191
21 21 156 $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 191 or $token_type == 194
42 0 156 $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 191 or $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 168
21 0 156 $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 191 or $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 168 or $token_type == 192
0 0 156 $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 191 or $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 168 or $token_type == 192 or $token_type == 195
0 0 156 $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 191 or $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 168 or $token_type == 192 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 169
0 0 156 $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 191 or $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 168 or $token_type == 192 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 169 or $token_type == 193
0 0 156 $token_type == 166 or $token_type == 191 or $token_type == 194 or $token_type == 168 or $token_type == 192 or $token_type == 195 or $token_type == 169 or $token_type == 193 or $token_type == 196
69 5 0 21 $next_token_type == 136 or $next_token_type == 70 and $next_token_data eq 'shift'