Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 2 75 2.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
765 0 0 0 $defaultconfig and not exists $Configs->{'apperl_configs'}{$defaultconfig}
795 0 0 0 $SiteConfig and exists $SiteConfig->{'perl_repo'}
800 0 0 0 $SiteConfig and exists $SiteConfig->{'cosmo_repo'}
839 0 0 0 not defined $CurAPPerlName and exists $Configs->{'defaultconfig'}
846 0 0 0 $projectconfig and exists $projectconfig->{'apperl_configs'}
861 0 0 0 $CurAPPerlName && $item eq $CurAPPerlName
917 0 0 0 $perlbin eq $^X and not -d "/zip"
1182 0 0 0 $bread and $bread == $fsize
1465 0 0 0 exists $itemconfig{'include_Perl-Dist-APPerl'} and $itemconfig{'include_Perl-Dist-APPerl'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
33 0 1 $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'} // "/root/.config"
0 1 $ENV{'XDG_DATA_HOME'} // "/root/.local/share"
744 0 0 $_[0] // "nobuild-v0.1.0"
764 0 0 $defaultconfig // "nobuild-v0.1.0"
861 0 0 $Configs->{'apperl_configs'}{$item}{'desc'} // ""
931 0 0 $UserProjectConfig->{'apperl_output'} //= "/root/.cpan/build/Perl-Dist-APPerl-v0.3.0-0/.apperl/o"
1083 0 0 not exists $UserProjectConfig->{'nobuild_perl_bin'} or scalar keys %{$$itemconfig{"zip_extra_files"};}
1476 0 0 -e $_ or die "$_ $!"
1482 0 0 $itemconfig{'cosmo_ape_loader'} //= "ape-no-modify-self.o"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
795 0 0 0 $SiteConfig and exists $SiteConfig->{'perl_repo'} or $perlrepo
800 0 0 0 $SiteConfig and exists $SiteConfig->{'cosmo_repo'} or $cosmorepo
807 0 0 0 $perlrepo //= $SiteConfig->{'perl_repo'}
808 0 0 0 $cosmorepo //= $SiteConfig->{'cosmo_repo'}
904 0 0 0 unlink $todelete or $!{'ENOENT'}
979 0 0 0 $^O ne "cosmo" or not -f "/C/Windows/System32/cmd.exe"
1086 0 0 0 $zippath // _find_zip()
1483 0 0 0 $itemconfig{'cosmo_ape_loader'} eq "ape-no-modify-self.o" or $itemconfig{'cosmo_ape_loader'} eq "ape.o"
1509 0 0 0 $UserProjectConfig or not exists $Configs->{'defaultconfig'}
1543 0 0 0 $file eq "." or $file eq ".."