Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 72 86 83.7

line true false branch
72 38 236 $policy->{'_single'} ne 'none' ? :
274 0 $policy->{'_single'} ne 'none' || $policy->{'_double'} ne 'none' ? :
274 0 $policy->{'_double'} ne 'none' ? :
274 0 $policy->{'_heredoc'} ne 'none' ? :
132 32 230 if (defined(my $doc_version = $document->highest_explicit_perl_version))
141 6 256 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::HereDoc')) { }
142 2 4 if $close eq q[']
147 242 14 if ($elem->can('string')) { }
150 0 14 unless $elem =~ /$quotelike_re/
155 42 214 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Quote::Single') or $elem->isa('PPI::Token::Quote::Literal') or $elem->isa('PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Command') and $close eq q[']) { }
166 4 256 if $param eq 'none'
170 218 38 unless ($single)
177 194 24 if (not defined $perlver or $perlver >= 5.006)
198 54 304 if (defined $1)
200 54 0 unless ($single)
207 54 0 if (substr($str, pos($str) - 1, 1) =~ /(\w)|[]}]/)
216 14 290 if ((length $2 & 1) == 0)
227 258 32 unless ($single)
228 12 246 if ($c eq 'N') { }
32 214 elsif ($c eq 'c') { }
34 180 elsif ($c eq ':') { }
26 154 elsif ($c eq '[' or $c eq '{') { }
10 144 elsif ($c eq '-') { }
229 12 0 unless (defined $have_charnames)
232 8 4 if ($have_charnames or $have_perl_516)
242 4 28 if ($c eq '')
247 22 6 if (index('?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', $c) >= 0)
256 20 14 if ($interpolate_var_colon)
260 20 0 if (pos $str == $interpolate_var_end + 2 or pos $str == $interpolate_var_end + 4 and substr($str, $interpolate_var_end, 2) eq '\\:')
270 18 8 if (pos $str == $interpolate_var_end + 2)
276 4 6 if ($str =~ /\G>[[{]/)
283 2 206 if ($param eq 'quotemeta') { }
0 206 elsif ($param eq 'alnum') { }
285 2 0 if $c ne quotemeta $c
289 0 0 unless $c =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/
293 86 120 if (index($known, $c) >= 0)
335 0 72 unless ($elem)
343 10 62 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Cast')) { }
58 4 elsif ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol')) { }
350 10 0 if $elem->isa('PPI::Structure::Block')
358 53 34 unless $elem->isa('PPI::Structure::Subscript')
385 6 6 unless $charname{$1}
395 4 2 if ($elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Include') and $elem->type eq 'use' and ($elem->module || '') eq 'charnames')