Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 34 44.1

line true false branch
54 145 27 if $VERSION_VARIABLE ne $elem->content
62 0 27 if not $operator = get_next_element_in_same_simple_statement($elem) or $Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitComplexVersion::EQUAL ne $operator
67 0 27 unless my $statement = $self->_get_simple_statement($elem)
72 0 27 if $exception = $self->_validate_fully_qualified_symbols($elem, $statement, $doc)
80 27 0 unless my $module = get_previous_module_used_on_same_line($elem)
85 0 0 if $module eq $VERSION_MODULE and not $self->{'_forbid_use_version'}
105 27 27 if (is_ppi_simple_statement($statement)) { }
106 27 0 unless $parent = $statement->parent and $parent->isa("PPI::Structure::List")
126 0 27 unless $doc->find("PPI::Statement::Package")
131 0 27 unless $statement->find("PPI::Token::Symbol")
133 0 27 if ($symbol->canonical =~ / \A [\@\$%&] ([\w:]*) :: /msx)
134 0 0 unless $local_package{$1}
150 27 0 unless $statement->find(sub {
165 0 0 if $local_package{$1}
172 0 27 unless $statement->find("PPI::Token::Word")
173 0 27 if ($symbol->content =~ / \A ([\w:]*) :: /msx)
175 0 0 unless $local_package{$1}