Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 40 60.0

line true false branch
52 30 6 $strict_stmnt ? :
56 2 34 unless $stmnts_ref
63 0 210 if $stmnt->isa("PPI::Statement::End")
64 0 210 if $stmnt->isa("PPI::Statement::Data")
67 9 201 if (not defined $strict_line or $stmnt_line < $strict_line)
82 277 31 unless $elem->isa("PPI::Statement::Include")
83 0 31 if $elem->type ne "use"
87 0 31 unless $parent->isa("PPI::Document")
89 30 1 if (my $pragma = $elem->pragma) { }
1 0 elsif (my $module = $elem->module) { }
0 0 elsif (my $version = $elem->version) { }
90 30 0 if $self->{'_equivalent_modules'}{$pragma}
93 0 1 if $self->{'_equivalent_modules'}{$module}
98 0 0 unless (&blessed($version) and $version->isa("version"))
99 0 0 if ("v" ne substr($version, 0, 1) and $version =~ tr/.// > 1)
119 2 34 unless my $all_statements = $doc->find("PPI::Statement")
121 34 0 @wanted_statements ? :
128 31 273 if $elem->isa("PPI::Statement::Package")
129 63 210 if $elem->isa("PPI::Statement::Include")