Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 5 42 11.9

line true false branch
74 0 22 unless eval {
76 22 0 unless $self->_derive_spell_command_line
86 0 0 unless $self->_run_spell_command($test_code)
102 0 0 unless $words
104 0 0 unless @{$words;}
115 0 22 unless (@words)
118 22 0 unless ("File::Spec"->file_name_is_absolute($words[0]))
121 22 0 unless ($words[0] and -x $words[0])
194 0 0 unless open my $infh, "<", \$code
198 0 0 unless close $infh
199 0 0 unless close $outfh
200 0 0 unless -s $outfile
205 0 0 unless open my $aspell_out_fh, "-|", "$command_line < $outfile"
209 0 0 unless close $aspell_out_fh
218 0 0 unless (eval {
220 0 0 if ($Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::PodSpelling::EVAL_ERROR and not ref "Perl::Critic::Exception::Fatal::Generic"->caught)
224 0 0 ref $Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::PodSpelling::EVAL_ERROR ? :
240 0 0 unless my $file_name = $self->_get_stop_words_file
243 0 0 unless (open my $handle, "<", $file_name)
246 0 0 if (my $word = _word_from_line($line))
251 0 0 unless close $handle