Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 61 130 46.9

line true false branch
30 143 571 if $function_name eq "DESTROY"
81 0 140 if (@_ == 1) { }
97 96 27 ref $source_code ? :
17 123 _is_ppi_doc($source_code) ? :
105 0 140 unless (defined $ppi_document)
107 0 0 ref $source_code ? :
151 2 6208 if (ref $wanted or not $wanted or not $wanted =~ / \A PPI:: /msx)
159 98 6110 unless ($self->{'_elements_of'})
185 18 69 if (ref $wanted or not $wanted or not $wanted =~ / \A PPI:: /msx)
190 60 9 $result ? :
200 2 1 if (ref $wanted or not $wanted or not $wanted =~ / \A PPI:: /msx)
205 1 0 $result ? :
223 0 0 $subdocuments ? :
231 0 0 if (&blessed($element) and $element->isa('PPI::Element')) { }
234 0 0 if exists $self->{'_ppix_regexp_from_element'}{$addr}
249 0 0 unless $self->find("PPI::Statement::Include")
251 0 0 unless "re" eq $use_re->module
253 0 0 unless $self->element_is_in_lexical_scope_after_statement_containing($elem, $use_re)
256 0 0 'no' eq $use_re->type ? :
261 0 0 $_->isa('PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words') ? :
0 0 $_->isa('PPI::Token::Quote') ? :
281 0 0 if ($outer_elem->scope)
292 0 0 unless my $stmt = $outer_elem->statement
297 0 0 unless $last_elem = $last_elem->last_element
301 0 0 unless my $stmt_loc = $last_elem->location
304 0 0 unless my $inner_loc = $inner_elem->location
307 0 0 if $stmt_loc->[0] > $inner_loc->[0]
309 0 0 if $stmt_loc->[0] == $inner_loc->[0] and $stmt_loc->[1] >= $inner_loc->[1]
325 0 0 if _inner_is_defined_by_outer($inner_elem, $parent) and _location_is_in_right_hand_side_of_assignment($parent, $inner_elem)
329 0 0 unless $parent = $parent->parent
346 0 0 unless $outer_elem->isa("PPI::Statement::Variable") and $inner_elem->isa("PPI::Token::Symbol")
363 0 0 unless $outer_elem->scope
365 0 0 unless $inner_elem->descendant_of($outer_elem)
367 0 0 if ($outer_elem->isa("PPI::Statement::Compound"))
368 0 0 unless my $first = $outer_elem->schild(0)
370 0 0 if ({"for", 1, "foreach", 1}->{$first->content})
373 0 0 unless $next->isa("PPI::Structure::List")
393 0 0 unless $kid->isa("PPI::Token::Operator") and "=" eq $kid->content
397 0 0 if $l->[0] > $inner_loc->[0]
399 0 0 if $l->[0] == $inner_loc->[0] and $l->[1] >= $inner_loc->[1]
414 2 230 if (defined $self->{'_filename_override'}) { }
419 230 0 $doc->can('filename') ? :
431 42 92 unless (exists $self->{'_highest_explicit_perl_version'})
434 5 37 if ($includes) { }
451 2 2 $a >= $b ? :
463 5 129 if $highest_explicit_perl_version
496 0 257 if $policy_name eq "Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::ProhibitUnrestrictedNoCritic"
498 0 257 if $policy_name eq "Perl::Critic::Policy::Miscellanea::ProhibitUselessNoCritic"
501 68 189 if $self->{'_disabled_line_map'}{$line}{$policy_name}
502 39 150 if $self->{'_disabled_line_map'}{$line}{'ALL'}
515 30 29 $annotation->disables_all_policies ? :
574 2691 72 unless $element->isa("PPI::Statement::Include")
575 9 63 if $element->version
595 1123 3072 unless ($classes)
632 1 134 if ($first_stmnt =~ /$fixin_rx/ms)
647 27 113 if (defined $file_name and ref $args->{'-program-extensions'} eq "ARRAY")
652 27 0 ref $ext eq 'Regexp' ? :
657 0 27 if $file_name =~ /$regex/msx
661 3 137 if shebang_line($self)
662 1 136 if defined $file_name and $file_name =~ / [.] PL \z /msx
674 0 2 if $nodes
677 0 2 unless ($ppi_document)
703 1 2 if $mapping
706 1 1 unless ($includes)
712 0 1 unless $_->module