Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 97 202 48.0

line true false branch
149 0 7 unless (my $meta = $args{'meta'})
153 0 7 unless (my $arg = $args{'arg'})
162 0 7 unless (my $arg_spec = $args_prop->{$arg})
174 2 5 if ($comp)
179 0 5 if ($xcomp)
180 0 0 if (ref $xcomp eq 'CODE') { }
184 0 0 if (ref $xcomp eq 'ARRAY') { }
193 0 0 if (Module::Installed::Tiny::module_installed($mod)) { }
204 0 0 if ($comp)
210 0 5 if ($ent)
213 0 0 if (Module::Installed::Tiny::module_installed($mod)) { }
217 0 0 if (defined &{"${mod}::complete_arg_val";}) { }
230 2 5 if ($comp)
231 2 0 if (ref $comp eq 'CODE') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $comp eq 'ARRAY') { }
248 0 0 if ($args{'riap_client'} and $args{'riap_server_url'})
255 0 0 if ($res->[0] != 200)
271 4 1 unless ($egs)
278 1 1 if (ref $eg eq 'HASH') { }
279 0 1 unless defined $eg->{'value'}
280 0 1 if ref $eg->{'value'}
284 0 1 unless defined $eg
285 0 1 if ref $eg
299 0 5 unless ($sch)
315 0 7 if $@
316 0 7 unless ($fres)
322 1 2 $static && $word eq '' ? :
355 0 3 unless (my $meta = $args{'meta'})
359 0 3 unless (my $arg = $args{'arg'})
363 0 3 unless (defined(my $index = $args{'index'}))
372 0 3 unless (my $arg_spec = $args_prop->{$arg})
384 2 1 if ($elcomp)
389 0 1 if ($xelcomp)
390 0 0 if (ref $xelcomp eq 'CODE') { }
394 0 0 if (ref $xelcomp eq 'ARRAY') { }
403 0 0 if (Module::Installed::Tiny::module_installed($mod)) { }
414 0 0 if ($elcomp)
420 0 1 if ($ent)
423 0 0 if (Module::Installed::Tiny::module_installed($mod)) { }
427 0 0 if (defined &{"${mod}::complete_arg_val";}) { }
441 2 1 if ($elcomp)
442 2 0 if (ref $elcomp eq 'CODE') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $elcomp eq 'ARRAY') { }
459 0 0 if ($args{'riap_client'} and $args{'riap_server_url'})
467 0 0 if ($res->[0] != 200)
480 0 1 unless ($sch)
488 0 1 if ($type ne "array")
493 0 1 unless ($cs->{'of'})
507 0 3 if $@
508 0 3 unless ($fres)
514 0 2 $static && $word eq '' ? :
597 0 3 unless (my $meta = $args{'meta'})
601 0 3 unless (my $arg = $args{'arg'})
610 0 3 unless (my $arg_spec = $args_prop->{$arg})
622 1 2 if ($idxcomp)
628 1 2 if ($idxcomp)
629 0 1 if (ref $idxcomp eq 'CODE') { }
1 0 elsif (ref $idxcomp eq 'ARRAY') { }
646 0 0 if ($args{'riap_client'} and $args{'riap_server_url'})
653 0 0 if ($res->[0] != 200)
666 0 2 unless ($sch)
674 0 2 if ($type ne "hash")
681 2 0 if ($cs->{'keys'})
684 0 2 if ($cs->{'indices'})
687 0 2 if ($cs->{'req_keys'})
690 2 0 if ($cs->{'allowed_keys'})
702 0 3 if $@
703 0 3 unless ($fres)
709 1 2 $static && $word eq '' ? :
830 0 24 unless my $meta = $args{'meta'}
831 0 24 unless my $words = $args{'words'}
832 0 24 unless defined $cword
857 0 24 unless $ggls_res->[0] == 200
889 13 8 if (my $sm = $specmeta->{$ospec}) { }
8 0 elsif ($type eq 'arg') { }
891 12 1 if ($sm->{'arg'}) { }
894 0 12 unless my $arg_spec = $$args_prop{$sm->{'arg'}}
895 1 11 if ($comp)
899 0 1 if $@
901 1 0 if ($compres)
906 1 10 if ($ospec =~ /\@$/) { }
4 6 elsif ($ospec =~ /\%$/) { }
913 1 3 if ($word =~ /(.*?)=(.*)/s) { }
945 1 0 if ($comp)
949 0 1 if $@
950 1 0 if ($res)
955 0 0 if ($codata->{'completion'})
960 0 0 if $@
961 0 0 if ($res)
966 0 0 if ($codata->{'schema'})
990 51 2 unless not $arg_spec->{'slurpy'} // $arg_spec->{'greedy'} and defined $arg_spec->{'pos'} and $arg_spec->{'pos'} == $pos - $fasa
993 1 1 if ($comp)
997 0 1 if $@
998 1 0 if ($res)
1016 0 3 unless $arg_spec->{'slurpy'} // $arg_spec->{'greedy'} and defined $arg_spec->{'pos'} and $arg_spec->{'pos'} <= $pos - $fasa
1021 2 1 if ($comp)
1025 0 2 if $@
1026 2 0 if ($res)
1038 2 1 if ($comp)
1042 0 2 if $@
1043 2 0 if ($res)