Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 68 41.1

line true false branch
24 0 3 unless $pkg =~ /\A\w+(::\w+)*\z/
25 3 0 if ($pkg =~ s/::(\w+)\z//) { }
42 0 7 if ($v ne '1.1' and $v ne '1.2')
47 7 0 if ($url =~ m[\A(?:pl:)?/(\w+(?:/\w+)*)/(\w*)\z]) { }
0 0 elsif ($url =~ m[\Ahttps?:/(/?)]i) { }
56 4 3 if exists $INC{$mod_pm}
59 0 3 if $pkg =~ /\A(main)\z/
60 0 3 if $pkg_exists and defined ${"${pkg}::VERSION";}
63 1 2 if $@
66 2 4 if ($action eq 'list') { }
0 4 elsif ($action eq 'info') { }
4 0 elsif ($action eq 'meta' or $action eq 'call') { }
67 1 1 if length $func
74 0 0 $func =~ /\A[\@\$\%]/ ? :
0 0 $func =~ /\A\w+\z/ ? :
0 0 !length($func) ? :
83 1 3 if not length $func and $action eq 'call'
88 2 1 if (length $func) { }
89 0 0 $pkg_exists ? :
0 2 unless $meta = do { "${pkg}::SPEC" }->{$func}
104 2 1 if $action eq 'meta'
108 0 0 if ($meta->{'features'} and $meta->{'features'}{'progress'})
116 0 1 if ($aa =~ /array/) { }
0 1 elsif ($aa eq 'hashref') { }
121 0 0 unless $convres->[0] == 200
122 0 0 if ($aa =~ /ref/) { }
141 0 1 if ($meta->{'result_naked'})
146 1 0 if (defined $res->[2])
147 0 1 if ($meta->{'result'} and $meta->{'result'}{'schema'} and $meta->{'result'}{'schema'}[0] eq 'buf')
161 0 0 if ($is_unix) { }
176 0 0 if /\Aargs\z/
185 0 0 if $htres->{'status'} != 200
187 0 0 unless $htres->{'headers'}{'content-type'} eq 'application/json'
189 0 0 unless $htres->{'headers'}{'x-riap-v'} =~ /\A1\.1(\.\d+)?\z/