Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 90 11.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
117 0 0 0 $content_type and $content_type =~ m[/]
0 0 0 not $ref_type and length $content
146 0 0 0 $content =~ /^(ERROR|Execution failed)/ and $self->{'response'}->status eq '200'
149 0 0 0 $content_filename and not $content_type =~ /^image/
256 0 0 0 $log_directory and -d $log_directory
365 0 0 0 $operation and $operation =~ /read|write|append|basename/
446 0 0 0 $json_file_path and -e $json_file_path
460 0 0 0 $json_file_path and ref($data_structure) =~ /ARRAY|HASH/
531 0 0 0 $diff > -1 and $diff < 1
542 0 0 0 $diff > -1 and $diff < 1
555 0 0 0 $diff >= -1 and $diff <= 1
641 0 0 0 $endpoint_uri and $endpoint_handler

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
60 0 0 $stop_here ||= 0
188 0 1 $args->{'tag_style'} ||= 'template'
239 0 0 $log_type ||= 'errors'
290 1 0 $time_zone_name ||= 'America/New_York'
423 0 0 $length ||= 10
520 1 0 $task ||= 'to_unix_start'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
61 0 0 0 $stop_here == 1 or $stop_here == 3
76 0 0 0 $self->{'config'}{'development_server'} eq 'Y' or $content =~ /^No application exists/
117 0 0 0 $ref_type eq 'HASH' or $ref_type eq 'ARRAY'
197 1 0 0 'Template'->new({'ENCODING', 'utf8', 'INCLUDE_PATH', $args->{'include_path'}, 'OUTPUT', \$output, 'TAG_STYLE', $args->{'tag_style'}}) || $self->send_response("$Template::ERROR", 1)
266 0 0 0 ref $log_message eq 'HASH' or ref $log_message eq 'ARRAY'
368 0 0 0 $operation =~ /read|basename/ or $content
475 1 0 0 not $time_zone_name or $time_zone_name eq 'utc'
479 0 0 0 $self->{'time_zone_name'} || $ENV{'PERL_DATETIME_DEFAULT_TZ'}
1 0 0 $time_zone_name ||= $self->{'time_zone_name'} || $ENV{'PERL_DATETIME_DEFAULT_TZ'}
482 0 1 0 $self->{'time_zone_name'} ||= $time_zone_name
513 0 1 0 $month or $timestamp =~ /-/
523 0 0 1 not $task or $task eq 'to_date_human'
0 0 1 $task eq 'to_month' or $task eq 'to_month_name'
615 0 0 0 $@ or ref $self->{'config'} ne 'HASH'