Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 74 63.5

line true false branch
14 0 0 !$_[2] ? :
102 1 105 if utf8::is_utf8($uri)
106 18 88 if $with_authority and index($uri, '//') == -1
111 71 35 defined $2 ? :
114 91 15 defined $3 ? :
116 91 15 if (defined $4) { }
124 69 22 if (defined $3) { }
144 61 45 if $args{'_has_authority'} and $args{'path'} eq ''
159 33 73 if $$uri_args{'scheme'} eq '' and $$args{'base'}
161 94 12 unless (ref $$uri_args{'host'})
162 1 93 if (index($$uri_args{'host'}, '%') != -1)
171 94 12 unless ref $$uri_args{'path'}
181 0 33 unless ref $base
185 33 0 if ($$base{'scheme'} ne '')
192 12 21 unless ($$uri_args{'_has_authority'})
199 3 9 if ($$uri_args{'path'} eq '') { }
202 1 2 unless $$uri_args{'query'}
219 19 2 if $$self{'scheme'} ne ''
221 16 5 if ($self->authority ne '') { }
1 8 elsif ($$self{'scheme'} eq '' and $$self{'path'}->to_uri =~ m[\A[^/]*:]msu) { }
224 0 16 unless $$self{'path'}->is_abs
235 8 13 if $$self{'query'} ne ''
237 7 14 if $$self{'fragment'} ne ''
245 3 18 if $$self{'userinfo'} ne ''
247 16 5 if $$self{'host'} ne ''
249 6 15 if $$self{'port'}
255 0 0 if $$self{'userinfo'} eq ''
261 0 0 if $$self{'userinfo'} eq ''
263 0 0 if ((my $idx = index($$self{'userinfo'}, ':')) != -1) { }
272 0 0 if $$self{'userinfo'} eq ''
274 0 0 if ((my $idx = index($$self{'userinfo'}, ':')) != -1) { }
283 0 0 $self->port ? :
287 0 0 !$self->scheme ? :
295 0 0 $self->scheme eq '' ? :
319 0 0 if ($self->scheme eq 'unix') { }
323 0 0 $self->port ? :
329 0 0 if ($self->scheme eq 'unix') { }