Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 50 48.0

line true false branch
54 6 9 if (exists $self->{'immutable'})
55 1 5 if ref $self->{'immutable'}
63 8 6 if (exists $self->{'inc'})
65 1 7 unless &try(sub { scalar $self->{'inc'}[0]; 1; } , &catch(sub { undef; } ))
67 4 9 if ($self->immutable)
68 2 2 if (exists $self->{'inc'}) { }
121 5 19 unless exists $self->{'inc'}
145 0 0 if (&blessed($ref))
147 0 0 unless (@result)
152 0 0 if ('CODE' eq &reftype($ref))
154 0 0 unless (@result)
159 0 0 if ('ARRAY' eq &reftype($ref))
162 0 0 unless (@result)
231 0 1 if (ref $path)
233 0 0 if ($result->[0])
240 1 0 if (-e $fullpath and not -d $fullpath)
285 0 3 if (ref $path)
287 0 0 if ($result->[0])
294 3 0 if (-e $fullpath and not -d $fullpath)
311 0 4 if (ref $path)
313 0 0 if ($result->[0])
320 2 2 if (-e $fullpath and -d $fullpath)
337 0 6 if (ref $path)
339 0 0 if ($result->[0])
346 2 4 if (-e $fullpath and -d $fullpath)