Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 66 65.1

line true false branch
41 0 127 if $line =~ /^\?/
44 3 124 if ($line =~ /^---\s*([\S ]+)\s*\t([^\t\r\n]*)\s*(\S*)/) { }
3 121 elsif ($line =~ /^\+\+\+\s*([\S ]+)\s*\t([^\t\r\n]*)(\S*)/) { }
6 115 elsif ($line =~ /^RCS file: ([\S ]+)/) { }
6 109 elsif ($line =~ /^retrieving revision (\S+)/) { }
6 103 elsif ($line =~ /^Index:\s*([\S ]+)/) { }
1 102 elsif ($line =~ /^diff\s*(-\S+\s*)*(\S+)\s*(\S*)/ and $3) { }
8 94 elsif ($line =~ /^\@\@\s*-(\d+),?(\d*)\s*\+(\d+),?(\d*)\s*(?:\@\@\s*(.*))?/) { }
0 94 elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+),?(\d*)([acd])(\d+),?(\d*)/) { }
47 0 3 if ($1 eq '/dev/null') { }
53 1 2 if $3
58 0 3 if ($1 eq '/dev/null')
62 0 3 if $3
96 0 8 unless defined $2
97 0 8 unless defined $4
115 0 0 if ($3 eq 'a') { }
122 0 0 $2 ? :
124 0 0 if ($3 eq 'd') { }
131 0 0 $5 ? :
141 46 81 if $$this{'IN_HEADER'}
142 44 37 if ($line =~ /^ /) { }
8 29 elsif ($line =~ /^-/) { }
14 15 elsif ($line =~ /^\+/) { }
0 15 elsif ($line =~ /^< /) { }
0 15 elsif ($line =~ /^> /) { }
161 0 7 unless $$this{'TARGET'}
178 8 0 if (exists $$this{'FILE_STATE'} and not $$this{'FILE_STARTED'} or $$this{'FILE_NEVER_STARTED'})
186 2 15 if $$this{'IN_HEADER'}
189 8 7 if (exists $$this{'FILE_STATE'})
192 0 8 unless ($$this{'FILE_STARTED'})
207 0 8 unless ($$this{'FILE_STATE'})
219 8 15 if (exists $$this{'SECTION_STATE'})
229 0 0 unless open FILE, $filename