Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 56 0.0

line true false branch
30 0 0 if (-d $file) { }
43 0 0 if (exists $$this{'TMPDIR'})
58 0 0 if $$this{'TARGET'}
65 0 0 if ($$this{'FILE'})
70 0 0 if $$this{'TARGET'}
80 0 0 if ($line =~ /^[-\+]/) { }
90 0 0 if (not exists $$this{'SECTION'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$this{'CONTEXT'} eq 'file') { }
97 0 0 $start_context > 0 ? :
98 0 0 if ($$this{'SECTION_END'} + $$this{'CONTEXT'} + 1 < $start_context) { }
107 0 0 if (substr($line, 0, 1) eq '+') { }
128 0 0 if $line < 0
129 0 0 if ($$this{'CONTEXT'} eq 'file') { }
133 0 0 $start > 0 ? :
156 0 0 if ($$this{'SECTION'})
158 0 0 if ($$this{'CONTEXT'} eq 'file') { }
165 0 0 if $$this{'TARGET'}
175 0 0 if $end ne 'file' and $start > $end
178 0 0 unless $$this{'HAS_CVS_CONTEXT'}
181 0 0 unless ($$this{'FILE'})
183 0 0 unless (exists $$this{'TMPDIR'})
185 0 0 unless (-d $$this{'TMPDIR'})
189 0 0 unless chdir $$this{'TMPDIR'}
190 0 0 if (PatchReader::CVSClient::cvs_co_rev($$this{'CVSROOT'}, $$this{'REVISION'}, $$this{'FILENAME'}))
193 0 0 unless open my $fh, $$this{'FILENAME'}
197 0 0 unless chdir $olddir
201 0 0 if $$this{'NEXT_FILE_LINE'} and $$this{'NEXT_FILE_LINE'} > $start
210 0 0 unless defined $line