Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 97 136 71.3

line true false branch
66 42 0 if (defined *{"${class}::ISA";}{"ARRAY"})
75 12 30 if scalar @classes or grep {$_ eq "Parse::PlainConfig";} @{*{"${class}::ISA";}{"ARRAY"};}
81 14 0 unless exists $c{$c}
112 10 0 unless ("Parse::PlainConfig" eq $class)
115 12 0 if (defined *{"${class}::_globals";})
124 10 2 if (scalar keys %new)
129 0 50 unless $settings->set($_, $_globals{$_})
136 12 0 if (defined *{"${class}::_parameters";})
145 12 0 if (scalar keys %new)
151 10 42 $_parameters{$_} == 512 ? :
0 52 unless (_declProperty($obj, $_, 1 | ($_parameters{$_} == 512 ? 8 : $_parameters{$_})))
175 12 0 if (defined *{"${class}::_prototypes";})
184 12 0 if (scalar keys %new)
240 23 0 if (popen($fn, 0))
252 12 11 if (@lines and grep /^\s*__END__\s*$/s, @lines)
263 23 0 wantarray ? :
301 78 0 if (defined $p)
305 5 73 unless $valp
310 73 5 $valp ? :
327 17 0 if (defined $p)
331 4 13 unless $valp
334 13 4 if ($valp)
335 13 0 if (@vals) { }
342 0 0 if ($propTypes{$p} == 8 or $propTypes{$p} == 512) { }
351 13 4 $valp ? :
353 13 4 $valp ? :
381 79 511 if ($lref->[0] =~ /^$regex{$_}$/s)
388 0 79 unless ($rv and defined $prop and length $prop)
390 54 45 if ($lref->[0] =~ /^$pregex{$_}$/s)
400 54 84 if (defined $proto and length $proto)
401 54 0 if (defined $prop and length $prop) { }
403 3 51 if (exists $regex{$prop}) { }
414 27 24 if (exists $propTypes{$prop}) { }
418 3 24 unless ($propTypes{$prop} == $prototypes{$proto})
441 0 24 $prototypes{$proto} == 512 ? :
446 24 0 if ($rv) { }
451 15 9 unless defined $preg
475 127 11 if ($rv)
477 18 109 if ($propTypes{$prop} == 512) { }
483 18 54 if ($line =~ /^\s*\Q@{[$settings->hereDoc];}\E\s*$/s) { }
494 0 18 unless $rv
500 109 0 defined $indent ? :
504 87 93 if $lref->[0] =~ /^\s*$/s
509 21 72 if not defined $indent or $iwidth >= length $indent
518 127 0 if defined $trailer
521 127 11 if ($rv)
551 55 72 if ($propTypes{$prop} == 512 or $propTypes{$prop} == 8) { }
559 54 18 if ($propTypes{$prop} == 16) { }
602 29 2 if (@lines)
606 530 29 defined $text && length $text ? :
616 276 139 if ($lines[0] =~ /^$cre/s or $lines[0] =~ m[^\s*(?:@{[qr/(?:\15\12|\15|\12)/s];})?$]s)
623 1 138 if ($lines[0] =~ /^\s*include\s+(.+?)\s*$/s)
626 0 1 unless $obj->read($glob)
631 127 11 if (&_snarfBlock(\@lines, \$prop, \$value, $settings)) { }
634 0 127 unless _snarfProp($obj, $prop, $value)
661 0 5 if (@_) { }
4 1 elsif (ref $source eq '') { }
1 0 elsif (ref $source eq 'Paranoid::Glob') { }
665 0 0 unless $obj->read($_)
670 4 0 if (&slurp($source, \@lines)) { }
672 0 4 unless $rv
684 0 1 unless $obj->read($_)
689 0 0 if (&slurp($source, \@lines)) { }
691 0 0 unless $rv
721 25 26 if ($propTypes{$_} == 8 or $propTypes{$_} == 512) { }
750 4 2 if (defined $proto and length $proto) { }
751 4 0 if (exists $preg{$proto}) { }
777 15 0 if (defined $msg) { }