Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 22 100.0

line true false branch
23 62 57 unless $_[0] eq $_[1]
34 2 87 if $full_type eq '*'
46 1 36 unless defined $$param{'q'} and length $$param{'q'} and _numify($$param{'q'}) <= 1 and _numify($$param{'q'}) >= 0
70 42 25 if (_match($type, $target_type) and _match($subtype, $target_subtype))
72 28 14 $type eq $target_type ? :
19 23 $subtype eq $target_subtype ? :
78 2 6 if $k ne 'q' and exists $$target_param{$k} and $$target_param{$k} eq $v
84 28 14 if $fitness > $best_fitness
112 8 14 if $fitness < $best_fitness
113 1 13 if $fitness == $best_fitness and $fit_q < $best_fit_q
117 1 10 unless defined $match