Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 100 44.0

line true false branch
16 20 0 if (ref $root eq ref {} and not $opts)
27 20 0 if ($root) { }
0 0 elsif (not $self->{'DISTROOT'}) { }
47 0 20 unless (@manifind)
61 0 0 length $a < length $b ? :
63 0 0 length $a < length $b ? :
68 0 8 if ($json and $yaml and length $json > length($yaml) + 1)
72 12 8 unless ($json or $yaml)
81 8 0 if (-s $metafile_abs) { }
86 0 8 unless ($ok)
106 0 20 if (my $version_from_meta_ok = $self->_version_from_meta_ok)
109 0 0 if ($provides and 'HASH' eq ref $provides)
113 20 0 if (not $indexing_method and @$pmfiles)
117 20 0 if ($indexing_method)
133 0 20 if ($pmfile_abs =~ m[/blib/])
143 15 0 if (not defined $result{$package} or $info->{$package}{'simile'})
147 0 15 if ($errs)
150 0 0 $_ =~ /infile|warning/ ? :
165 0 0 if ref $v ne ref {}
166 0 0 if not defined $v->{'file'} or $v->{'file'} eq ''
169 0 0 if (@stat) { }
174 0 0 unless (defined $v->{'version'})
183 0 0 unless $self->_examine_pkg({'package', $k, 'pp', $v})
199 0 0 if (not $package =~ /^\w[\w\:\']*\w?\z/ && $package =~ /\w\z/ or $package =~ /:/ and not $package =~ /::/ or $package =~ /\w:\w/ or $package =~ /:::/)
213 0 0 if ($self->{'USERID'} and $self->{'PERMISSIONS'} and not $self->_perm_check($package))
226 0 0 if (not defined $_ or /^\s*$/ or /\s/)
230 0 0 unless $self->_version_ok($pp)
237 0 0 if length($pp->{'version'} || 0) > 16
248 80 24 unless $mf =~ /\.pm(?:\.PL)?$/i
258 4 20 if $inmf =~ m[^(?:x?t|inc|local|perl5|fatlib|examples?|ex|eg|demo)/]
260 8 12 if ($self->{'META_CONTENT'}) { }
263 8 0 if (ref $no_index eq 'HASH') { }
269 8 8 unless my $v = $no_index->{$k}
271 8 0 if (ref $v eq 'ARRAY') { }
275 0 16 if ($inmf =~ /^$ve$rest/) { }
284 0 0 if ($inmf =~ /^$v$rest/) { }
320 8 12 if @files
327 28 28 if -d $_
328 0 28 if $name =~ m[/(?:\.(?:svn|git)|blib)/]
331 4 24 if $skip and &$skip($rel)
347 12 8 unless -f $manifile
350 0 8 unless open my $fh, '<', $manifile
352 0 80 if /^\s*#/
355 0 80 if (($file, $comment) = /^'(\\[\\']|.+)+'\s*(.*)/) { }
361 0 80 unless $file
372 8 4 unless -f $skipfile
375 0 4 unless open my $fh, '<', $skipfile
381 0 4 if (defined $1)
385 0 4 unless defined $filename and $filename
388 0 4 unless @skip