Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 61 231 26.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
206 2 0 0 /^\s*struct\s+[\w\s\$\*]+(\[[^\]]*\])?;/o and not /{/o
212 0 0 0 $output_sub and $_
221 0 0 2 $1 and $1 ne ""
0 0 2 $1 and $1 ne "" and not $1 =~ /\{/o
231 1 0 1 $output_sub and $line
261 0 0 0 m[,.*/\*]o and not /\(/o
280 96 0 0 /,.*/o and not /\(/o
304 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
315 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
331 5 0 5 $output_sub and $line
340 15 0 15 $output_sub and $line
350 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
363 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
377 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
391 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
405 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
419 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
433 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
448 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
458 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
467 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
477 3 0 3 $output_sub and $line
485 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
493 3 0 3 $output_sub and $line
501 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
509 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
517 3 0 3 $output_sub and $line
526 6 0 6 $output_sub and $line
546 1 1 0 $output_sub and $line
556 47 0 47 $output_sub and $_
644 0 0 0 $output_sub and $_
654 0 0 2 $1 and $1 ne ""
0 0 2 $1 and $1 ne "" and not $1 =~ /\{/o
664 1 0 1 $output_sub and $line
695 15 0 15 $output_sub and $line
704 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
714 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
725 3 0 3 $output_sub and $line
734 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
743 3 0 3 $output_sub and $line
752 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
761 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
770 3 0 3 $output_sub and $line
780 6 0 6 $output_sub and $line
791 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
805 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
820 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
835 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
850 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
865 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
880 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
896 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
907 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
921 1 1 0 $output_sub and $line
931 47 0 47 $output_sub and $_
1052 0 0 0 $output_sub and $_
1072 3 0 3 $output_sub and $_
1141 20 0 20 $output_sub and $_
1158 0 0 2 not /{/o and /;/o
1173 1 0 1 $output_sub and $_
1211 1 0 1 $output_sub and $line
1234 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
1241 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
1251 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
1257 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
1262 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
1267 0 0 0 $output_sub and $_
1286 0 0 0 $output_sub and $_
1303 0 0 0 $output_sub and $line
1314 2 0 2 $output_sub and $line
1330 1 1 0 $output_sub and $line
1334 3 1 2 $output_sub and $_
1362 3 0 3 $output_sub and $_

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1042 0 0 60 m[^\s*/\*.*\*/\s*$]o or m[^\s*//]o
1151 0 0 0 not /\)/o or /,\s*$/o
1192 0 0 2 /^\s*struct[^{;]+;.*$/o or /\(/o
1344 0 0 2 /^\s*union[^{;]+;.*$/o or /\(/o