Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 84 0.0

line true false branch
178 0 0 unless ref $args and reftype $args eq 'HASH'
180 0 0 unless $$args{'file'} or $$args{'components'}
182 0 0 if $$args{'file'} and $$args{'components'}
185 0 0 $$args{'id_col'} ? :
188 0 0 $$args{'parent_id_col'} ? :
191 0 0 $$args{'component_col'} ? :
195 0 0 if ($$args{'components'}) { }
196 0 0 unless ref $$args{'components'} and reftype($$args{'components'}) eq 'HASH'
199 0 0 unless exists $$args{'components'}{$k}
201 0 0 unless ref $$args{'components'}{$k} and reftype($$args{'components'}{$k}) eq 'ARRAY'
206 0 0 unless ref $row and reftype $row eq 'ARRAY'
215 0 0 unless -f $$args{'file'}
219 0 0 unless my $csv = 'Text::CSV'->new($args)
221 0 0 unless open my $IN, '<', $$data{'file'}
227 0 0 unless close $IN
239 0 0 if (not $components) { }
257 0 0 unless (exists $col2idx{$$data{$c}})
265 0 0 if scalar keys %missing_columns
284 0 0 unless ($$rec[$$data{'id_col_idx'}] =~ /^\d+$/)
287 0 0 if (length $$rec[$$data{'parent_id_col_idx'}] and not $$rec[$$data{'parent_id_col_idx'}] =~ /^\d+$/)
297 0 0 if ($this_row_count != $field_count)
301 0 0 unless (length $$rec[$$data{'component_col_idx'}])
312 0 0 if @non_numeric_id_records
316 0 0 if $ids_seen{$id} > 1
325 0 0 if @dupe_ids
335 0 0 if @bad_count_records
345 0 0 if @nameless_component_records
350 0 0 if (length $parent_id and not $ids_seen{$parent_id})
363 0 0 if scalar keys %ids_missing_parents
367 0 0 if (length $$rec[$$data{'parent_id_col_idx'}])
380 0 0 if ($families{$k}{$l} > 1)
386 0 0 if $same_names
688 0 0 if (defined $args)
689 0 0 unless (ref $args and reftype $args eq 'HASH')
694 0 0 unless $permissible_args{$k}
697 0 0 if ($$args{'path_col_sep'} and not $$args{'as_string'})
701 0 0 defined $$args{'path_col'} ? :
702 0 0 if ($$args{'as_string'})
703 0 0 defined $$args{'path_col_sep'} ? :
710 0 0 unless ($f eq $self->id_col or $f eq $self->parent_id_col or $f eq $self->component_col)
733 0 0 if (length $parent_id) { }
745 0 0 if ($$args{'as_string'}) { }