Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 34 82.3

line true false branch
91 40 1 if (defined $netAddr)
93 33 7 if defined $t
96 33 8 if (defined $bnet and length $bnet) { }
101 33 0 if (defined $bnet and length $bnet) { }
106 24 9 if (defined $bmask and length $bmask)
109 22 0 $bmask <= 32 ? :
2 22 !($bmask =~ /^\d+$/s) ? :
115 24 0 if (defined $bmask and length $bmask) { }
162 18 0 if (defined $tgt and defined $dest)
166 0 18 $tgt =~ /^\d+$/s ? :
167 0 18 $dest =~ /^\d+$/s ? :
170 2 16 unless scalar @tnet
171 4 14 unless scalar @dnet
175 8 10 if $#tnet == 0
176 7 11 if $#dnet == 0
178 4 14 if ($tnet[0] <= $dnet[0] and $tnet[1] >= $dnet[1]) { }
7 8 elsif ($tnet[0] >= $dnet[0] and $tnet[1] <= $dnet[1]) { }