Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 48 75.0

line true false branch
80 0 3675 unless defined $bnum and defined $bsize and defined $file and length $file
85 22 3675 unless defined $self
88 3675 22 if (defined $self)
92 3675 0 if defined $bsize
100 77 3576 unless $self->{'blockSize'} >= 4096 and $self->{'blockSize'} <= 1048576 and $self->{'blockSize'} % 4096 == 0
101 99 3576 unless defined $self
178 345 0 if (pflock($self->{'file'}, 2))
183 323 22 if (ptell($file) == $minPos) { }
224 0 8955 unless (defined $cref and ref $cref eq "SCALAR")
230 33 8922 unless defined $start
233 1389 7566 unless defined $bytes
236 0 8955 if ($minp + $start > $maxp)
241 8955 0 if ($rv)
244 11 8944 if $minp + $start + $bytes > $maxp + 1
248 8955 0 if (pseek($file, $minp + $start, 0)) { }
279 1925 0 defined $content ? :
289 0 1925 unless (defined $content and length $content)
295 220 1705 unless defined $start
298 1300 625 unless defined $offset
301 1300 625 unless defined $length
303 11 1914 if $blkLeft < $length
306 0 1925 if ($minp + $start > $maxp)
311 1925 0 if ($rv)
314 1925 0 if (pseek($file, $minp + $start, 0)) { }