Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 50 74.0

line true false branch
66 42 0 if (/^([[:print:]]+)$/s) { }
96 32 4 if (exists $args{'globs'})
98 0 32 unless ref $args{'globs'} eq "ARRAY"
100 3 33 if (exists $args{'literals'})
102 0 3 unless ref $args{'literals'} eq "ARRAY"
109 3 33 if exists $args{'literals'}
110 36 0 if ($rv)
111 32 4 if exists $args{'globs'}
114 36 0 if ($rv) { }
140 39 0 if defined $_
145 32 0 if ($rv)
150 13 26 -e $_ ? :
154 163 0 if /^([[:print:]]+)$/s
179 3 0 if defined $_
184 3 0 if $rv
426 62 4 if (@fstat) { }
429 44 18 if (S_ISDIR($fstat[2])) { }
4 24 elsif ($follow and S_ISLNK($fstat[2])) { }
432 34 10 if $fstat[2] & push(@dirs, $entry)
441 4 0 if -d $entry
447 0 4 unless ($! == 2)
464 40 0 if (opendir $fh, $dir) { }
468 80 37 if /^\.\.?$/s
469 1 36 if /^\./s and not $hidden
496 8 40 if (exists $seen{$crawl[$lindex]})