Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 34 94.1

line true false branch
112 6 34 unless &blessed($sub) and $sub->can("_document")
127 46 0 if (ref $p eq "ARRAY")
129 1 45 ref $p->[0] ? :
133 23 23 if (ref $_[0] and ref($_[0]) =~ /HASH/)
140 23 23 if $pv_spec
143 18 22 unless &$_({@args})
147 2 23 wantarray ? :
163 2 3 unless defined $args{'dependencies'}
165 3 2 ref $coderefs eq 'ARRAY' ? :
170 1 3 unless &$_({@{$params;}})
173 4 0 wantarray ? :
311 66 59 if not ref $option and exists $params{$option} or ref $option and &$option(\%params)
322 70 74 if ($Params::Validate::Dependencies::DOC)
333 26 17 unless (@{"${class}::ISA";})
336 19 38 $subname eq 'all_of' ? :
346 21 81 if ref $_ and not ref($_) =~ /CODE/
1 43 if grep {not &blessed($_) && $_->isa('Params::Validate::Dependencies::Documenter') if ref $_ and not ref($_) =~ /CODE/;} @options