Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 30 93.3

line true false branch
21 1 4 unless $args{'-deprecations'} and &_HASH0($args{'-deprecations'})
34 1 3 if ($orig_import)
69 3 1 if ($_[$i] eq '-api_version' or $_[$i] eq '-compatible') { }
79 3 2 if defined $api_version
82 1 4 if ($orig_import)
96 2 2 unless $ignore
97 2 2 unless $ignore
102 23 1 @_ < 2 ? :
108 7 17 if (@ignore_res or keys %ignore)
117 0 24 unless defined $package
119 23 1 unless (defined $args{'feature'})
128 5 2 if defined $compat_version and defined $deprecated_at and $compat_version lt $at
133 17 2 if (defined $args{'message'}) { }
138 2 0 if defined $at
142 8 11 if $warned{$package}{$args{'feature'}}{$msg}