Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 40 70.0

line true false branch
54 0 6 if (defined $self->{'output_handler'} and ref $self->{'output_handler'} ne "GLOB")
78 1 0 unless (defined $out)
84 0 1 if (ref $pyx eq 'ARRAY') { }
91 0 1 if ($self->{'callbacks'}{'init'})
97 0 1 if ($self->{'callbacks'}{'final'})
119 0 16 if (not $input_file_handler or ref $input_file_handler ne "GLOB")
122 16 0 unless (defined $out)
125 0 16 if ($self->{'callbacks'}{'init'})
133 0 16 if ($self->{'callbacks'}{'final'})
146 4 42 unless ($type)
151 7 39 if ($type eq 'A') { }
10 29 elsif ($type eq '(') { }
6 23 elsif ($type eq ')') { }
7 16 elsif ($type eq '-') { }
6 10 elsif ($type eq '?') { }
6 4 elsif ($type eq '_') { }
178 4 0 if ($self->{'callbacks'}{'other'}) { }
193 24 18 if (exists $self->{'callbacks'}{$key} and ref $self->{'callbacks'}{$key} eq 'CODE') { }
0 18 elsif (exists $self->{'callbacks'}{'rewrite'} and ref $self->{'callbacks'}{'rewrite'} eq 'CODE') { }
18 0 elsif ($self->{'output_rewrite'}) { }