Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 76 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
125 0 0 0 $self->has_xml_min and not $self->xml_min
145 0 0 0 $self->has_xml_max and $self->xml_max > 1
0 0 0 $self->has_xml_min and $self->xml_min > 1
255 0 0 0 $self->has_xml_nodeName and not ref $self->xml_nodeName
299 0 0 0 not $self->has_xml_nodeName_prefix and keys %$nodeName_prefix
336 0 0 0 $nodeName_prefix and $name =~ /^(\w+):(\w+)/
466 0 0 0 $fixed_xmlns and $use_prefixes
575 0 0 0 $expect_one and not $expect_simple
0 0 0 $expect_one and not $expect_simple and not $self->is_required
0 0 0 $expect_one and not $expect_simple and not $self->is_required and not $self->has_default
594 0 0 0 $expect_one and not $self->has_xml_min

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
228 0 0 $expect_bool || 0
0 0 $expect_simple || 0
266 0 0 eval { do { $user->xmlns } } // ''
268 0 0 $prefix_xx ||= 'a'
327 0 0 eval { do { $self->associated_class->name->xmlns } } // ''
477 0 0 $prefix //= ''
478 0 0 $nodeName_prefix->{$prefix} // ''
482 0 0 $fixed_xmlns // ''
485 0 0 $localname //= ''
523 0 0 (keys %seen_localname)[0] // ''
543 0 0 (keys %seen_xmlns)[0] // ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
125 0 0 0 $self->has_predicate or $self->has_xml_min and not $self->xml_min
145 0 0 0 $self->has_xml_max and $self->xml_max > 1 or $self->has_xml_min and $self->xml_min > 1
506 0 0 0 $self->has_xmlns_attr or $self->has_xml_nodeName_attr
507 0 0 0 keys %seen_localname > 1 or $seen_localname{'*'}
527 0 0 0 keys %seen_xmlns > 1 or $seen_xmlns{'*'}
592 0 0 0 not $expect_one or $expect_many
600 0 0 0 $expect_many or $self->has_xml_max