Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 34 73.5

line true false branch
20 0 3 if ($INC{'Log/'}) { }
36 2 2 if (defined $args{'-api'})
37 1 1 if ($args{'-api'} != 0 and $args{'-api'} != 1)
40 0 1 if ($] < 5.01) { }
55 0 61 if ($] < 5.01) { }
57 0 0 unless defined $api
60 18 43 if defined $hh and not defined $api
62 21 40 unless defined $api
92 8 14 unless ($pkg_node)
97 4 4 1 == $api ? :
99 0 14 unless ($pkg_node->namespace)
101 0 0 1 == $api ? :
104 6 8 1 == $api ? :
118 188 8 unless $maybe->isa('PPI::Token::Comment')
120 8 0 if ($maybe->content =~ /$regex/x)
133 18 8 unless $content
135 4 22 1 == $api && defined $content ? :