Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 92 112 82.1

line true false branch
242 0 3 unless $in
246 0 3 unless my $Document = 'PPI::Document'->new($in)
248 0 3 unless $self->document($Document, $preserve)
252 3 0 if (ref $out eq 'GLOB') { }
272 0 3 unless &_INSTANCE($doc, 'PPI::Document')
283 2 1 if @packages == 1 and $packages[0] eq '!main'
299 1 2 $short eq $fname ? :
307 3 0 unless ($preserve)
339 10 43 if ($chld->isa('PPI::Statement::Include')) { }
0 43 elsif ($chld->isa('PPI::Statement') and $chld->content =~ /^\s*with/) { }
340 4 6 if $chld->pragma
345 0 0 if ($tok->isa('PPI::Token::Quote') or $tok->isa('PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words'))
373 2 1 unless (@main_pkgs)
386 130 8 unless $stmt_node->class eq 'PPI::Statement::Sub' or $modifier{$mod}
390 13 823 if ($node->class eq 'PPI::Statement::Package')
392 13 0 unless ($pkg_subs{$pkg}{'version'})
397 1 12 unless (defined $pkg_subs{$pkg}{'inherit'})
405 1 12 unless (defined $pkg_subs{$pkg}{'used'})
407 1 0 if $parent
414 11 8 $stmt_node->class eq 'PPI::Statement::Sub' ? :
419 23 2 if /\w/
421 11 11 if $modifier{$mod}
456 4 19 $si->{'static'} ? :
457 1 22 $si->{'virtual'} ? :
464 11 12 if $mod_types->{$sname}
479 2 1 if ($pname eq '!main')
485 1 2 if $namespace
488 0 3 if $ver
489 0 3 if $rev
492 3 0 if ($used)
504 0 3 if $inherit
515 1 2 if $namespace
538 1 2 if $ptxt =~ /\w/
543 1 2 unless $pod_tokens
550 5 10 if $for and $for->format =~ /(?:function|method|class_method)/
561 8 15 if ($sn->type eq 'head2' and $sn->title =~ /[\w:]+\s*\(.*\)/)
563 8 0 if ($sinfo)
569 15 8 if $sn
580 0 8 unless $long
598 2 6 $name =~ /^_/ ? :
613 1 14 unless my $params = shift()
615 7 7 unless (ref $params)
622 4 21 if ($sig[0] eq '\\')
624 2 23 if ($sig[1] eq '$')
626 2 23 if $ref
636 491 15 unless $chld->isa($name)
637 0 15 if (my(@capture) = $chld->content =~ /$regex/)
693 6 5 unless $node->class eq 'PPI::Statement::Sub' or $node->children > 6 and $node->child(6)->content eq 'sub'
701 0 9 $sname =~ /^_/ ? :
707 0 4 unless my $for = $pom->for->[0]
718 14 3 unless $default
724 5 4 unless $txt
726 2 2 if $def
747 7 15 if ($sub_info->{$subname})
758 4 11 if ($si)
767 11 1 if $look{$si->{'name'}}