Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 43 53 81.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
283 0 1 2 @packages == 1 and $packages[0] eq '!main'
541 18 1 8 $sn->type eq 'head2' and $sn->title =~ /[\w:]+\s*\(.*\)/
673 5 1 5 $node->children > 6 and $node->child(6)->content eq 'sub'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
291 1 2 join('::', @parts) || ''
323 2 1 $txt //= ''
372 3 0 $doc->find('PPI::Statement') || []
431 12 11 $sub_info->{$sname} || {'type', $sname =~ /^_/ ? 'private' : 'public', 'rv', 'void', 'params', [], 'name', $sname, 'static', 0, 'virtual', 0, 'class', $class, 'text', '

Undocumented Function

544 8 0 'PPI::Transform::Doxygen::POD'->print($sn) // ''
566 7 1 pop @parts || 'void'
569 3 5 pop @parts || ''
575 0 8 join('::', @nparts) || '!main'
683 4 5 $node->find('PPI::Token::Pod') || []
693 7 2 $node->find('PPI::Token::Prototype') || []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
244 3 0 0 $out || $self->{'overwrite'}
250 3 0 0 $out //= $in
311 0 3 0 $doc->find_first('PPI::Token::End') || 'PPI::Token::End'->new
378 11 8 129 $stmt_node->class eq 'PPI::Statement::Sub' or $modifier{$mod}
403 818 19 19 $node->previous_sibling || $node->parent
577 1 1 6 $cat eq 'function' || $cat eq 'class_method'
673 4 8 3 $node->class eq 'PPI::Statement::Sub' or $node->children > 6 and $node->child(6)->content eq 'sub'
690 1 1 2 $fmt eq 'function' || $fmt eq 'class_method'