Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 88 108 81.4

line true false branch
240 0 3 unless $in
244 0 3 unless my $Document = 'PPI::Document'->new($in)
246 0 3 unless $self->document($Document, $preserve)
250 3 0 if (ref $out eq 'GLOB') { }
270 0 3 unless &_INSTANCE($doc, 'PPI::Document')
281 2 1 if @packages == 1 and $packages[0] eq '!main'
297 1 2 $short eq $fname ? :
305 3 0 unless ($preserve)
337 37 10 unless $chld->isa('PPI::Statement::Include')
338 4 6 if $chld->pragma
354 2 1 unless (@main_pkgs)
365 127 14 unless $stmt_node->class eq 'PPI::Statement::Sub' or $stmt_node->child(0) eq 'has'
370 8 654 if ($node->class eq 'PPI::Statement::Package')
372 8 0 unless ($pkg_subs{$pkg}{'version'})
377 1 7 unless (defined $pkg_subs{$pkg}{'inherit'})
385 1 7 unless (defined $pkg_subs{$pkg}{'used'})
387 1 0 if $parent
394 10 4 $stmt_node->class eq 'PPI::Statement::Sub' ? :
398 18 2 if /\w/
433 4 14 $si->{'static'} ? :
434 1 17 $si->{'virtual'} ? :
455 2 1 if ($pname eq '!main')
461 1 2 if $namespace
464 0 3 if $ver
465 0 3 if $rev
468 3 0 if ($used)
480 0 3 if $inherit
491 1 2 if $namespace
507 1 2 unless $pod_tokens
528 4 21 if $method_for
529 9 16 unless $sn and $sn->type =~ /^(?:head[1-4]|begin|item|over|pod|for)$/
530 8 8 if ($sn->type eq 'head2' and $sn->title =~ /[\w:]+\s*\(.*\)/) { }
4 4 elsif ($sn->type eq 'for') { }
532 8 0 if ($sinfo)
538 4 0 if ($sn->type eq 'for' and $sn->format =~ /^(?:function|method|class_method)$/)
560 0 8 unless $long
578 2 6 $name =~ /^_/ ? :
592 1 10 unless my $params = shift()
594 7 3 unless (ref $params)
601 4 13 if ($sig[0] eq '\\')
603 2 15 if ($sig[1] eq '$')
605 2 15 if $ref
615 229 15 unless $chld->isa($name)
616 0 15 if (my(@capture) = $chld->content =~ /$regex/)
672 7 3 unless $node->class eq 'PPI::Statement::Sub'
679 0 3 $sname =~ /^_/ ? :
685 0 3 unless my $for = $pom->for->[0]
695 6 3 unless $default
704 3 0 unless $tok eq 'return'
707 0 3 unless $txt
709 2 1 if $def
731 7 10 if ($si_by_name{$subname})
742 3 7 if $si
748 10 1 if $look{$si->{'name'}}