Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 62 53.2

line true false branch
77 0 11 unless my $Document = &_INSTANCE($args{'Document'}, "PPI::Document")
79 0 11 unless my $functions = &_ARRAY($args{'functions'})
147 0 2 unless my $other = &_INSTANCE(shift(), "PPI::Document::Normalized")
150 0 2 if $self->{'processing'}
155 0 2 if $v1 ne $v2
156 0 2 unless $self->_equal_ARRAY($self->functions, $other->functions)
170 1 8 unless $bthis and $bthat and $bthis eq $bthat
180 0 11 unless $rthis and $rthat
185 0 11 if ($seen and $seen ne $rthat)
191 0 11 unless $tthis and $tthat and $tthis eq $tthat
205 0 0 if &blessed($cthis)
206 0 0 if ref $cthis
207 0 0 if defined $cthis
219 0 5 unless scalar @$this == scalar @$that
225 7 8 if (&blessed($cthis)) { }
0 8 elsif (ref $cthis) { }
4 4 elsif (defined $cthis) { }
226 1 6 unless $self->_equal_blessed($cthis, $cthat)
228 0 0 unless $self->_equal_reference($cthis, $cthat)
230 0 4 unless defined $cthat and $cthis eq $cthat
232 0 4 if defined $cthat
244 0 8 unless scalar keys %$this == scalar keys %$that
248 0 11 unless exists $that->{$k}
250 0 11 if (&blessed($cthis)) { }
3 8 elsif (ref $cthis) { }
6 2 elsif (defined $cthis) { }
251 0 0 unless $self->_equal_blessed($cthis, $cthat)
253 1 2 unless $self->_equal_reference($cthis, $cthat)
255 0 6 unless defined $cthat and $cthis eq $cthat
257 0 2 if defined $cthat
286 11 0 if ($_[0]{'Document'})