Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 18 72.2

line true false branch
80 0 317 unless defined $function and defined &{"$function";}
85 1 316 if (&List::Util::any(sub { $_ eq $function; } , map(@{$_;}, values %PPI::Normal::LAYER)))
91 0 316 unless defined $layer and $layer =~ /^(?:1|2)$/
130 4 6 defined $_[0] && !ref($_[0]) && $_[0] =~ /^[12]$/ ? :
10 5 @_ ? :
172 7 4 ref $_[0] ? :
175 0 11 if $self->{'Document'}
178 0 11 unless $self->{'Document'} = _Document(shift())
192 0 11 unless my $Normalized = "PPI::Document::Normalized"->new("Document", $self->{'Document'}, "version", "PPI::Normal"->VERSION, "functions", \@functions)