Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 70 74.2

line true false branch
42 6 0 if ($args)
43 5 1 if (not $rt or $rt eq 'CODE' or $rt eq 'HASH' or &blessed($args)) { }
1 0 elsif ($rt eq 'ARRAY') { }
47 0 1 if (2 > @$args)
59 3 3 if ($rt and $rt eq 'HASH')
72 2 1 unless ($apps)
76 0 1 if (not ref $apps) { }
0 1 elsif ('ARRAY' eq ref $apps) { }
90 2 2 if (not ref $def) { }
1 1 elsif ($def->{$log}) { }
121 0 31 unless &blessed($self)
123 0 31 unless ref $exception
127 6 25 if (&blessed($self->{'logger'})) { }
5 20 elsif (not $rt) { }
5 15 elsif ($rt eq 'ARRAY') { }
15 0 elsif ($rt eq 'CODE') { }
128 1 5 if $exception->{'type'} eq 'SETUP'
151 1 8 if ($ex->{'type'} eq 'SETUP')
156 6 2 if ($ex->{'type'} and $ex->{'type'} ne 'REQ')
167 0 1 unless &blessed($self)
175 4 0 if ($$self{"$app-$t-log"}) { }
193 4 2 unless ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($file))
200 3 3 if ($dir and not -d $dir)
205 0 6 unless ($fh->open(">> $file"))
219 0 8 unless &blessed($self)
223 0 8 unless defined $msg
224 1 7 if $exception->{'location'}
225 6 2 unless ($msg =~ /\n$/)
227 6 0 if $exception->{'caller'}
232 2 6 $type eq 'REQ' ? :
234 8 0 if ($fh) { }
250 22 0 unless defined $,
260 0 5 unless $SINGLETON
266 0 7 unless $SINGLETON
287 4 5 if (1 == @_ and 'HASH' eq ref $_[0]) { }