Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 50 62 80.6

line true false branch
8 2 0 if (eval { do { require POE::Filter; 1 } })
55 2 2 if defined $value
61 1 1 if defined $value
73 1 0 @{$$self[2];} ? :
79 0 39 if $_[0][1]
80 36 3 if (my $event = parse_one_line($raw_line)) { }
92 2 0 if (my $raw_line = shift @{$$self[2];})
93 0 2 if $$self[1]
94 2 0 if (my $event = parse_one_line($raw_line)) { }
113 21 0 if (ref $event eq 'HASH') { }
117 4 17 if (exists $$event{'tags'} and my(@tags) = %{$$event{'tags'};})
121 6 2 if (defined $thisval)
127 8 32 exists $CharToEscapedTag{$ch} ? :
131 4 4 if @tags
136 12 9 if $$event{'prefix'}
139 17 4 if ($$event{'params'} and my(@params) = @{$$event{'params'};})
146 3 5 defined $$event{'colonify'} ? :
5 3 if index($param, ' ') != -1 or index($param, ':') == 0 or defined $$event{'colonify'} ? $$event{'colonify'} : $$self[0]
157 0 21 if $$self[1]
160 0 0 if ref $event eq 'SCALAR'
179 21 21 if (substr($raw_line, 0, 1) eq '@')
180 0 21 unless (my $nextsp = index($raw_line, ' ')) > 0
185 28 13 if (defined $thisval)
190 15 117 if ($ch eq '\\') { }
192 13 2 if (exists $EscapedTagToChar{$pair}) { }
209 26 16 if (substr($raw_line, $pos, 1) eq ':')
211 3 23 unless ($nextsp = index($raw_line, ' ', $pos)) > 0 and length($event{'prefix'} = substr($raw_line, $pos + 1, $nextsp - $pos - 1))
219 8 31 if (($nextsp_maybe = index($raw_line, ' ', $pos)) == -1)
222 8 0 length $cmd ? :
235 21 33 if (substr($raw_line, $pos, 1) eq ':')
239 9 24 if ((my $nextsp = index($raw_line, ' ', $pos)) == -1) { }