Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 62 0.0

line true false branch
151 0 0 if ($args{'CrossDomain'})
157 0 0 $args{'SSL'} ? :
166 0 0 $ENV{'POE_DEBUG'} ? :
207 0 0 $args{'Debug'} ? :
209 0 0 if ($args{'LogFile'})
218 0 0 if ($args{'LogStdout'})
239 0 0 if ($ENV{'POE_DEBUG'})
255 0 0 if ($$heap{'transport'})
342 0 0 if $$heap{'subscriptions'}{$channel} and $$heap{'subscriptions'}{$channel}{'callback'} eq $callback and $$heap{'subscriptions'}{$channel}{'session'} eq $_[5]
421 0 0 if (not $response && ref $response or !ref($response) eq 'HASH')
425 0 0 if ($$response{'version'} and $protocol_version < $$response{'version'})
429 0 0 unless ($$response{'successful'})
455 0 0 if (not $message && ref $message or !ref($message) eq 'HASH' or not $$message{'channel'})
461 0 0 if ($$message{'id'})
466 0 0 if (my($meta_channel) = $$message{'channel'} =~ m[^/meta/(.+)$])
467 0 0 if ($meta_channel eq 'connect')
468 0 0 if ($$message{'successful'} and not $$heap{'_connected'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not $$heap{'_initialized'}) { }
480 0 0 if ($request and $$request{'caller_state'} eq 'publish' and $$message{'successful'} and not $$message{'channel'} =~ m[^/service/])
488 0 0 unless channel_match($$message{'channel'}, $subscription)
494 0 0 if ($matching_subscription)
496 0 0 if ($$sub_details{'callback'})
497 0 0 if (ref $$sub_details{'callback'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($_[1] ne $$sub_details{'session'}) { }
509 0 0 if (defined $$message{'successful'} and not $$message{'successful'} and $$heap{'args'}{'ErrorCallback'})
542 0 0 if ($meta and $$meta{'json_callback'})
547 0 0 if ($@)
549 0 0 if $$heap{'_shutdown'}
571 0 0 if ($$heap{'transport'}) { }
585 0 0 unless $$heap{'message_queue'} and ref $$heap{'message_queue'} and int @{$$heap{'message_queue'};}
586 0 0 unless $$heap{'transport'}