Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 22 77.2

line true false branch
37 201 0 if $callback
58 3 597 if exists $id_hash{$msg->id}
88 1457 8744 unless ($msg->claimed or $msg->has_delay and $current_time < $msg->deliver_at or $oldest and $oldest->timestamp < $msg->timestamp)
94 401 9 if $oldest
105 12 188 unless $oldest and $oldest->timestamp < $msg->timestamp
138 1 0 if $callback
164 10200 9800 if $_->claimed
166 400 0 if $callback
174 1 199 if $m->claimed and $m->claimant eq $client_id
176 1 0 if $callback
182 1 0 if $callback