Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 268 0.0

line true false branch
50 0 0 unless ($alias and $hash)
54 0 0 unless (ref $hash eq 'HASH')
60 0 0 unless defined $hash->{'EventMode'} and $hash->{'EventMode'} == 0
62 0 0 unless defined $hash->{'Reconnect'} and $hash->{'Reconnect'} == 1
64 0 0 unless defined $hash->{'Debug'} and $hash->{'Debug'} == 1
67 0 0 if ($hash->{'EventMode'} == 1) { }
139 0 0 unless ($hash->{'ServerName'} and $hash->{'RemoteServer'} and $hash->{'Password'} and $hash->{'ServerPort'})
143 0 0 unless defined $hash->{'ServerDesc'}
144 0 0 unless defined $hash->{'Version'}
145 0 0 unless defined $hash->{'PingFreq'}
175 0 0 unless @events
180 0 0 unless /^_/
183 0 0 unless ($heap->{'sessions'}{$sender}{'refcnt'}++ or $session == $sender)
193 0 0 unless @events
197 0 0 if (--$heap->{'sessions'}{$sender}{'refcnt'} <= 0)
199 0 0 unless ($session == $sender)
212 0 0 if @options
217 0 0 if $heap->{'debug'}
226 0 0 if ($heap->{'connected'})
236 0 0 if ($heap->{'sock'})
248 0 0 $heap->{'localaddr'} ? :
255 0 0 if ($heap->{'socket'})
266 0 0 if ($heap->{'socket'})
305 0 0 if ($heap->{'socket'}) { }
341 0 0 Deparse error: Can't locate object method "unctrl" via package "" (perhaps you forgot to load ""?) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.24.1/B/ line 5050. ? :
370 0 0 if ($args) { }
372 0 0 if (ref $args eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $args eq 'HASH') { }
382 0 0 if exists $arg{'NickName'}
383 0 0 if exists $arg{'UserName'}
384 0 0 if exists $arg{'HostName'}
385 0 0 if exists $arg{'Umode'}
386 0 0 if exists $arg{'Description'}
388 0 0 unless (defined $nickname)
395 0 0 unless defined $umode
396 0 0 unless $umode =~ /^\+/ or not defined $umode
397 0 0 if defined $umode
398 0 0 unless defined $umode
399 0 0 unless defined $username
400 0 0 if defined $username
401 0 0 unless defined $hostname
402 0 0 if defined $hostname
404 0 0 unless defined $description
405 0 0 if defined $description
436 0 0 if ($who eq $heap->{'serverlink'})
444 0 0 if ($who eq $heap->{'servername'})
490 0 0 if defined $args
500 0 0 if defined $args
509 0 0 unless (defined $numeric and defined $to and defined $message)
517 0 0 $state eq 'ctcpreply' ? :
527 0 0 unless (defined $numeric and defined $chan and defined $nick)
531 0 0 if defined $message
540 0 0 if (defined $arg)
550 0 0 unless (defined $numeric)
554 0 0 if (defined $arg)
566 0 0 if (defined $arg)
567 0 0 if $arg =~ /\s/
578 0 0 unless (defined $numeric)
583 0 0 if (defined $arg)
584 0 0 if $arg =~ /\s/
593 0 0 if defined $_[10]
596 0 0 if (defined $arg)
597 0 0 if $arg =~ /\s/
606 0 0 if defined $_[11]
608 0 0 unless (defined $numeric)
613 0 0 if (defined $arg)
614 0 0 if $arg =~ /\s/
625 0 0 unless (defined $one)
630 0 0 if defined $two
639 0 0 unless (defined $numeric and defined $one)
643 0 0 if defined $two
652 0 0 unless (defined $arg)
657 0 0 if $arg =~ /\s/
667 0 0 unless (defined $numeric and defined $arg)
672 0 0 if $arg =~ /\s/
682 0 0 unless (defined $one and defined $two)
687 0 0 if $two =~ /\s/
696 0 0 unless (defined $numeric and defined $one and defined $two)
701 0 0 if $two =~ /\s/
710 0 0 unless (defined $numeric and defined $to and defined $message)
714 0 0 if (ref $to eq 'ARRAY')
742 0 0 if defined $args
752 0 0 if defined $args
779 0 0 if length $topic
787 0 0 unless (defined $nick and defined $channel)
828 0 0 if ($char eq '+' or $char eq '-') { }
858 0 0 if ($server eq $self->{'servers_name'}{$_}{'Link'} and not defined $self->{'servers_name'}{$server}{'ToDelete'})
881 0 0 if (defined $self->{'bynickname'}{u_irc($nickname)})
884 0 0 if (defined $self->{'burst_nicks'}{u_irc($nickname)})
889 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'bynickname'}{u_irc($nickname)})
910 0 0 if (scalar keys %{$$self{'channels'}{$_}{'Members'};} == 0)
941 0 0 if (/^\+(.+)/)
942 0 0 if (not defined $currentumode) { }
950 0 0 if (/^-(.+)/)
951 0 0 if (defined $currentumode)
958 0 0 if (defined $currentumode and $currentumode) { }
975 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'channels'}{$channel})
991 0 0 if (scalar keys %{$$self{'channels'}{$_}{'Members'};} == 0)
1032 0 0 if /\+[bkloveIh]/
1033 0 0 if /-[boveIh]/
1035 0 0 if (/[eI]/)
1038 0 0 if (/b/)
1042 0 0 if (/l/)
1043 0 0 if (/^\+(.+)/) { }
1052 0 0 if (/k/)
1053 0 0 if (/^\+(.+)/) { }
1062 0 0 if (/[ov]/)
1064 0 0 if (/\+o/)
1065 0 0 if (/-o/)
1066 0 0 if (/\+v/)
1067 0 0 if (/-v/)
1072 0 0 if (/[h]/)
1073 0 0 if (/\+h/) { }
1082 0 0 if (/^\+(.+)/)
1086 0 0 if (/^-(.+)/)
1103 0 0 if ($operation eq '+b') { }
1120 0 0 if (exists $self->{'channels'}{$channel} and $timestamp < $self->{'channels'}{$channel}{'TimeStamp'}) { }
1127 0 0 if ($args[2] =~ /^\+(.+)$/)
1132 0 0 if ($l > $k and $k != -1)
1137 0 0 if ($l > $k and $k == -1)
1141 0 0 if ($k > $l and $l != -1)
1146 0 0 if ($k > $l and $l == -1)
1154 0 0 if (/^(\@|\+|%)+(.*)/) { }
1155 0 0 if ($1 =~ /\@/)
1158 0 0 if ($1 =~ /\+/)
1161 0 0 if ($1 =~ /%/)
1189 0 0 if defined $self->{'channels'}{$_}{'ChanKey'}
1190 0 0 if defined $self->{'channels'}{$_}{'ChanLimit'}
1211 0 0 if defined $self->{'burst_nicks'}{$_}{'IRCName'}
1216 0 0 if defined $self->{'burst_channels'}{$_}{'Mode'}
1217 0 0 if defined $self->{'burst_channels'}{$_}{'ChanKey'}
1218 0 0 if defined $self->{'burst_channels'}{$_}{'ChanLimit'}
1221 0 0 if ($self->{'burst_channels'}{$_}{'Members'}{$i} == -1) { }
1230 0 0 if (defined $bans)