Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 44 0.0

line true false branch
14 0 0 if @_ & 1
45 0 0 unless $args{'listen_for_input'}
49 0 0 if ($_ ne 'public' and $_ ne 'notice' and $_ ne 'privmsg')
55 0 0 if (not exists $args{'trigger'} and ref $args{'triggers'} ne 'HASH')
109 0 0 if $$self{'debug'}
113 0 0 unless exists $$self{'listen_for_input'}{$type}
117 0 0 if ($$self{'addressed'} and $type eq 'public') { }
125 0 0 unless defined $what
128 0 0 unless exists $$self{'triggers'}{$type} and $what =~ s/$$self{'triggers'}{$type}// or exists $$self{'trigger'} and $what =~ s/$$self{'trigger'}//
139 0 0 if $$self{'debug'}
143 0 0 if (exists $$self{'root'})
145 0 0 unless $$self{'root'}
0 0 unless grep {$who =~ /$_/;} @{[] unless $$self{'root'};}
148 0 0 unless $$self{'banned'}
149 0 0 if $who =~ /$ban_re/
162 0 0 $$self{'eat'} ? :
171 0 0 if (my $key = $self->_message_into_response_event($in_ref)) { }
172 0 0 if (ref $key eq 'ARRAY') { }
192 0 0 if ($$self{'auto'})
195 0 0 $$in_ref{'type'} eq 'public' ? :
199 0 0 $$in_ref{'type'} eq 'public' ? :
203 0 0 ref $response_message eq 'ARRAY' ? :