Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 17 21 80.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
132 56 0 4 defined $http_request->header('Host') and length $http_request->header('Host')
235 3 17 21 $$self[3]->method ne 'HEAD' and defined $$self[5]->content_length
20 0 21 $$self[3]->method ne 'HEAD' and defined $$self[5]->content_length and not defined $$self[5]->header('Transfer-Encoding')
17 20 1 $$self[3]->method ne 'HEAD' and defined $$self[5]->content_length and not defined $$self[5]->header('Transfer-Encoding') and $$self[8] < $$self[5]->content_length
290 61 4 2 defined $max and $$self[8] > $max
594 1 2 0 $operation eq 'connect' and $errnum == 110

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
415 3 0 57 $new_port == 80 or $new_port == 443