Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 70 182 38.4

line true false branch
33 0 11 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32')
35 0 0 if ($@)
37 0 0 if ($@)
39 0 0 if ($@)
43 11 0 ref $options eq 'HASH' ? :
74 0 0 unless $self->{'_current_job'}
81 0 0 unless $self->{'_wheel_log'}
94 1 0 if $pause
105 1 0 if wantarray
118 11 0 if ($self->{'alias'}) { }
124 11 0 unless $self->{'idle'}
125 11 0 unless $self->{'timeout'}
134 0 11 if $self->{'appdata'}
147 0 11 unless $self->{'alias'}
155 0 11 if $self->{'_shutdown'}
157 11 0 if (ref $_[10] eq 'HASH') { }
163 5 6 if $state eq 'submit'
167 0 11 $args->{'session'} ? :
170 0 6 unless ($args->{'module'} or $state =~ /^(recent|check|indices|package|author|flush)$/i)
175 0 11 unless ($args->{'event'})
180 0 11 if ($state =~ /^(package|author)$/ and not $args->{'search'})
187 1 10 if ($state eq 'recent') { }
1 9 elsif ($state eq 'check') { }
1 8 elsif ($state eq 'indices') { }
1 7 elsif ($state eq 'author') { }
1 6 elsif ($state eq 'package') { }
1 5 elsif ($state eq 'flush') { }
188 0 1 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
199 0 1 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
210 1 0 unless $args->{'prioritise'}
211 0 1 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
222 0 1 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
233 0 1 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
244 1 0 unless $args->{'prioritise'}
245 0 1 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
256 0 5 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
271 1 10 if ($state eq 'unshift' or $state eq 'recent' or $args->{'prioritise'}) { }
286 5 6 if $self->{'debug'}
293 1 10 if ($job->{'cmd'} eq 'recent') { }
2 8 elsif ($job->{'cmd'} =~ /^(package|author)$/) { }
307 6 5 unless ($self->{'debug'})
313 0 11 if $run_time > $self->{'stats'}{'max_run'}
314 11 0 if $self->{'stats'}{'min_run'} == 0
315 0 11 if $run_time < $self->{'stats'}{'min_run'}
329 0 23 if $self->{'wheel'}
330 0 23 if $self->{'_shutdown'}
331 1 22 if $self->{'paused'}
333 11 11 unless $job
335 0 11 if ($job->{'appdata'})
348 0 11 if ($job->{'appdata'})
350 0 0 if $backup_env
352 0 11 unless ($self->{'wheel'})
357 5 6 if (defined $job->{'debug'})
368 10 1 unless $job->{'cmd'} eq 'indices'
388 0 0 if $self->{'debug'}
389 0 0 if ($self->_detect_loop($input))
400 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and not $self->{'_current_job'}{'GRP_PID'} and my($pid) = $input =~ /(\d+)/)
402 0 0 if $self->{'debug'}
405 10 0 unless $self->{'_current_job'}{'cmd'} eq 'recent'
406 5 5 if $self->{'debug'}
407 0 10 if ($self->_detect_loop($input))
418 0 10 if $self->{'_loop_detect'}
421 10 0 unless ++$self->{'_digests'}{$digest} > 300
428 0 0 if ($now - $self->{'_wheel_time'} >= $self->{'idle'})
433 0 0 if ($now - $self->{'_current_job'}{'start_time'} >= $self->{'timeout'})
445 0 0 if $self->{'debug'}
446 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and $self->{'wheel'}) { }
448 0 0 unless $grp_pid
449 0 0 unless Win32::Process::KillProcess($grp_pid, 0)
453 0 0 if (not $self->{'no_grp_kill'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($GOT_KILLFAM) { }
454 0 0 if ($^O eq 'solaris') { }
455 0 0 if $self->{'wheel'}
458 0 0 if $self->{'wheel'}
462 0 0 if $self->{'wheel'}
465 0 0 if $self->{'wheel'}
474 0 0 unless my $job = 'Win32::Job'->new
476 0 0 unless my $pid = $job->spawn($perl, $cmdline)
488 0 0 unless my $job = 'Win32::Job'->new
490 0 0 unless my $pid = $job->spawn($perl, $cmdline)
502 0 0 unless my $job = 'Win32::Job'->new
504 0 0 unless my $pid = $job->spawn($perl, $cmdline)
514 0 0 unless my $job = 'Win32::Job'->new
516 0 0 unless my $pid = $job->spawn($perl, $cmdline)
527 0 0 unless my $job = 'Win32::Job'->new
529 0 0 unless my $pid = $job->spawn($perl, $cmdline)
542 0 0 unless my $job = 'Win32::Job'->new
544 0 0 unless my $pid = $job->spawn($perl, $cmdline)
557 0 0 unless my $job = 'Win32::Job'->new
559 0 0 unless my $pid = $job->spawn($perl, $cmdline)
581 0 0 if ($proc->ppid == $kid)