Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 50 80 62.5

line true false branch
25 0 176 if $] < 5.01
27 0 176 if (not defined &Fcntl::F_GETFL)
28 0 0 if (not defined prototype 'F_GETFL') { }
103 0 0 if exists $$rd_rec{$old_id}
106 0 0 if exists $$wr_rec{$old_id}
109 0 0 if exists $$ex_rec{$old_id}
112 0 4 if exists $kr_ses_to_handle{$old_id}
215 88 1815 if ($fileno == $POE::Kernel::signal_pipe_read_fd)
225 119 1696 unless exists $kr_filenos{$fileno}
254 11 2805 unless exists $kr_filenos{fileno $handle}
257 4 1535 unless $kr_filenos{fileno $handle}[$mode][0]
272 919 283 unless (exists $kr_filenos{$fd})
304 109 1093 if ($$kr_fno_rec[2]{$sid}) { }
309 109 0 if (exists $$kr_fno_rec[2]{$sid}{$fd}) { }
333 0 0 if (not defined fileno $other_handle) { }
0 0 elsif (fileno $handle == fileno $other_handle) { }
343 0 0 if ($sid eq $watch_sid) { }
402 1093 0 if ($$kr_fno_rec[0] == 1)
411 919 283 unless (exists $kr_ses_to_handle{$sid}{$fd})
427 1093 109 unless ($$ss_handle[2][$mode])
454 1189 0 if $] >= 5.008001 or not tied *$handle || -f $handle
472 810 428 if (defined $fd and exists $kr_filenos{$fd}) { }
478 312 646 if (exists $$kr_fno_rec[2]{$sid} and exists $$kr_fno_rec[2]{$sid}{$fd}) { }
498 1940 0 unless $_[0][3] & 1024
499 0 0 unless $_[0][0] == $kill_session
500 0 0 unless $_[0][2] eq $kill_event
501 0 0 unless $_[0][4][0] == $handle
502 0 0 unless $_[0][4][1] == $mode
531 941 0 unless ($$kr_fno_rec[0])
538 312 629 unless keys %{$$kr_fno_rec[2]{$sid};}
553 921 20 unless ($$kr_fileno[3])
577 661 429 if (exists $kr_ses_to_handle{$sid} and exists $kr_ses_to_handle{$sid}{$fd})
585 312 646 if ($$ss_handle[2][$mode]) { }
600 1031 305 unless ($$ss_handle[1])
604 750 281 unless keys %{$kr_ses_to_handle{$sid};}
666 4034 1337 unless exists $kr_ses_to_handle{$sid}
675 1414 115 unless exists $kr_ses_to_handle{$sid}
680 744 286 if $$refcount[0]
681 3 3 if $$refcount[1]
682 1 5 if $$refcount[2]