Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 52 90.3

line true false branch
34 1 1004 if @_ and @_ & 1
37 1 1003 if defined $params{'Regexp'} and defined $params{'Literal'}
46 647 356 if (defined $params{'Literal'}) { }
47 1 646 unless defined $params{'Literal'} and length $params{'Literal'}
51 2 643 if (exists $params{'InputLiteral'} or defined $params{'InputRegexp'} or defined $params{'OutputLiteral'})
65 5 351 if (exists $params{'InputLiteral'}) { }
2 349 elsif (defined $params{'InputRegexp'}) { }
70 2 3 if (defined $input_regexp and length $input_regexp) { }
78 1 4 if defined $params{'InputRegexp'}
83 0 2 if defined $params{'InputLiteral'}
90 6 349 if (defined $params{'OutputLiteral'}) { }
100 1 993 unless $max_buffer >= $max_length
104 0 993 if scalar keys %params
139 1 553 if $$self[5] < length $$self[0]
152 2945 7 unless ($$self[3])
155 537 2408 unless $$self[0] =~ s/^(.*?)$$self[1]//s
158 1 2407 if length $line > $$self[4]
165 3 4 if ($$self[3] & 1)
167 0 3 unless $$self[0] =~ s/^(.*?)(\x0D\x0A?|\x0A\x0D?)//
174 1 2 if (length $2 == 2 or length $$self[0]) { }
190 0 3 if length $line > $$self[4]
198 4 0 if ($$self[3] & 2)
199 2 2 unless length $$self[0]
203 1 1 $$self[1] eq "\r" ? :
1 1 if (substr($$self[0], 0, 1) eq ($$self[1] eq "\r" ? "\n" : "\r")) { }
255 6 12 if length $$self[0]