Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 65 108 60.1

line true false branch
29 5 10 if exists $fsfiles{$f}
40 0 15 unless (PMLTQ::Suggest::Utils::apply_file_suffix($win, $pos->[1]) and $win->{'currentNode'})
46 0 8 if $opts{'verbose'}
78 1 14 if ($parent and exists $marked{$parent}) { }
1 13 elsif ($parents{$parent} != $n) { }
89 1 24 if (exists $marked{$parent})
107 0 15 unless $node
109 0 15 unless $type
114 15 0 if $var
120 261 125 unless defined $val
121 1 124 unless $m
122 0 125 if ($attr eq '#name') { }
0 125 elsif (not $m) { }
126 0 0 unless $opts->{'no_comments'}
129 0 125 $attr eq '#content' ? :
130 0 0 if $opts->{'exclude'} and $opts->{'exclude'}{$name}
133 0 15 if (defined $opts->{'rbrothers'})
134 0 0 unless $opts->{'no_comments'}
136 15 0 if ($opts->{'connect'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($opts->{'children'} or $opts->{'descendants'}) { }
138 3 12 if ($rels)
161 0 0 unless $opts->{'no_comments'}
170 0 24 unless $type
171 0 24 if ($type->get_decl_type == 13)
175 24 0 if ($omember)
190 14 6 if ($ref =~ /^(.+?)\#(.+)$/) { }
6 0 elsif ($ref =~ /\#?([^#]+)/) { }
194 12 2 if (UNIVERSAL::DOES::does($reffile, 'Treex::PML::Document')) { }
0 2 elsif (UNIVERSAL::DOES::does($reffile, 'Treex::PML::Instance')) { }
209 0 210 $name eq 'content()' ? :
210 16 194 if ($mtype->get_decl_type == 7 and not UNIVERSAL::DOES::does($val, 'Treex::PML::Alt'))
213 174 36 if (not ref $val) { }
7 29 elsif (UNIVERSAL::DOES::does($val, 'Treex::PML::List')) { }
0 29 elsif (UNIVERSAL::DOES::does($val, 'Treex::PML::Alt')) { }
29 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::DOES::does($val, 'Treex::PML::Struct') or UNIVERSAL::DOES::does($val, 'Treex::PML::Container')) { }
0 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::DOES::does($val, 'Treex::PML::Seq')) { }
214 0 174 if (not $mtype->is_atomic) { }
217 23 151 $mtype->get_decl_type == 8 && $mtype->get_format eq 'PMLREF' ? :
218 53 121 if ($type and $type->get_role =~ /^#(ID|ORDER)$/ || $is_pmlref) { }
219 3 50 if ($is_pmlref and $opts->{'id2name'} and $val =~ /(?:^.*?\#)?(.+)$/ and $opts->{'id2name'}{$1}) { }
20 30 elsif ($is_pmlref) { }
0 30 elsif ($opts->{'no_comments'}) { }
223 15 5 if ($target and $target->type) { }
239 1 6 if ($mtype->is_ordered) { }
260 154 78 unless defined $v
261 1 77 unless $m
262 0 78 unless ($m)
263 0 0 unless $opts->{'no_comments'}
266 0 78 $attr eq '#content' ? :
267 0 0 if $opts->{'exclude'} and $opts->{'exclude'}{$n}
275 0 0 if $opts->{'exclude'} and $opts->{'exclude'}{$n}
312 0 18 unless (ref $_[0])
318 0 18 unless ref $fsfile
319 0 18 unless (ref $fsfile->appData('id-hash'))