Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 66 71.2

line true false branch
54 6 1 if (not defined $type or $type < 100) { }
55 1 5 unless $PLP::DEBUG & 1
58 1 4 unless $PLP::sentheaders
98 18 0 caller 1 ? :
99 1 17 if $PLP::DEBUG & 2
119 0 25 unless defined $level
120 23 2 unless defined $linespec
122 0 25 if ($level > 128)
124 0 0 $level ? :
133 5 20 $level ? :
137 0 25 if ($use_cache and exists $cached{$path})
143 0 0 if $checked{$item}
144 0 0 if $cached{$item}[2] > -M $item
147 0 0 if @{$cached{$item}[0];}
149 0 0 $level ? :
155 0 25 if $use_cache
161 4 1 $level ? :
5 20 unless open SOURCE, '<', $path
179 27 115 unless length $1
181 9 106 if ($part eq '<:=' and not $in_block) { }
18 88 elsif ($part eq '<:' and not $in_block) { }
16 72 elsif ($part eq ':>' and $in_block) { }
5 67 elsif ($part =~ /^<\((.*?)\)>\z/ and not $in_block) { }
188 4 12 $in_block == 2 ? :
202 35 32 unless $in_block
208 11 9 if ($in_block)
209 5 6 $in_block == 2 ? :
216 0 20 if ($use_cache)
221 1 19 $level ? :
246 5 13 if $@ and not $@ =~ /\cS\cT\cO\cP/
249 0 18 if $@ and not $@ =~ /\cS\cT\cO\cP/
251 0 18 unless $sentheaders