Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 69 106 65.0

line true false branch
39 0 14 blessed $class ? :
105 0 8 if defined $shash
112 0 8 if (defined $class) { }
123 0 5 if ($#values == -1) { }
5 0 elsif ($#values == 0) { }
154 0 17 unless $cursor
155 0 17 unless $string
156 0 17 unless $strlen
159 0 17 if $sorthash and ref $sorthash eq 'HASH'
164 0 77 if ($i % 2 and @shash_arr)
165 0 0 ($i - 1) / 2 eq $elems[$#elems] ? :
0 0 unless $shash_arr[0] eq 'hash'
170 0 13 if @shash_arr
184 1 88 unless (defined $type)
188 1 87 if ($type eq 'object') { }
16 71 elsif ($type eq 'array') { }
39 32 elsif ($type eq 'scalar') { }
28 4 elsif ($type eq 'integer' or $type eq 'float') { }
2 2 elsif ($type eq 'boolean') { }
2 0 elsif ($type eq 'undef') { }
219 0 13 if ref $sorthash eq 'HASH'
221 11 20 if ($_ % 2) { }
9 11 elsif ($_ / 2 ne $values[$_]) { }
228 0 11 unless ($values[$_] =~ /^\d+$/)
233 4 9 if ($subtype eq 'array') { }
239 0 0 if ref $sorthash eq 'HASH' and @shash_arr and shift @shash_arr ne 'array'
259 27 1 if ($type eq 'integer')
269 2 0 if ($bool eq '0')
290 0 8 unless $cursor
291 0 8 unless $string
292 0 8 unless $strlen
297 0 5 if ($$cursor != $strlen)
308 1 661 if ($$cursor + $length > length $$string)
330 85 127 unless ($char =~ /^[\d\.-]+$/)
344 1 319 if ($want and $c ne $want)
349 0 319 if $want and $c ne $want
370 24 8 unless defined $iskey
371 0 32 if defined $shash
373 0 32 if (not defined $val) { }
0 32 elsif (blessed $val) { }
24 8 elsif (not ref $val) { }
380 14 10 if ($val =~ /^-?(?:[0-9]|[1-9]\d{1,10})$/ and abs $val < 2147483648) { }
1 9 elsif ($val =~ /^-?\d+\.\d*$/ and not $iskey) { }
392 8 0 if ($type eq 'HASH' or $type eq 'ARRAY') { }
393 0 8 if $sorthash and $type eq 'HASH'
406 0 0 ref $sorthash eq 'HASH' && ref ${$sorthash;}{$val} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
420 0 32 if ($type eq 'null') { }
14 18 elsif ($type eq 'int') { }
1 17 elsif ($type eq 'float') { }
9 8 elsif ($type eq 'string') { }
8 0 elsif ($type eq 'array') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'obj') { }
433 2 6 if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') { }