Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 467 935 49.9

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
4543 0 0 $info->{'vars'}{$v} && 65535

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
128 0 0 0 $self->{'max_strlen'} > 0 and !$maxlen || $maxlen > $self->{'max_strlen'}
131 0 0 0 $maxlen and length $s > $maxlen
678 0 978 1285 defined $tab->{'strmap'} and $sym eq ")"
978 24 1261 defined $tab->{'strmap'} and $sym eq ")" and $pos > 2
1002 1124 137 defined $tab->{'strmap'} and $sym eq ")" and $pos > 2 and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 1] =~ /^#num\d+$/
1148 49 88 defined $tab->{'strmap'} and $sym eq ")" and $pos > 2 and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 1] =~ /^#num\d+$/ and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 2] eq "("
1173 82 6 defined $tab->{'strmap'} and $sym eq ")" and $pos > 2 and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 1] =~ /^#num\d+$/ and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 2] eq "(" and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 3] =~ /^chr$/i
742 46 956 39 $pos > 1 and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 1] eq "."
1002 28 11 $pos > 1 and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 1] eq "." and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 2] =~ /^#str\d+$/
802 6 1 1 scalar @{$tab->{'tok'};} > 0 and $tab->{'tok'}[-1] ne ";"
1185 0 0 0 scalar @$list > 0 and $list->[0] =~ /^\s+$/
1188 0 0 0 scalar @$list > 0 and $list->[-1] =~ /^\s+$/
1267 0 0 2 $op eq "-" and not defined $v1
1269 0 0 2 defined $str and is_int_index($str)
1304 0 10012 3389 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] =~ /^([\;\:\,\)\]\}]|else|endif|endwhile|endfor|endforeach|as|=>|catch|finally)$/i
0 9996 16 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] =~ /^null$/i
1999 7813 184 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "{"
1999 7753 60 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "("
1999 7741 12 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "["
1999 7733 8 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "&"
3639 2 6083 scalar @$tok == 1 || scalar @$tok > 1 && $tok->[1] =~ /^([\;\,\)\]\}]|as|=>)$/ || scalar @$tok > 2 && $tok->[1] eq ':' && $tok->[2] ne ':' and not exists $php_keywords{$tok->[0]}
0 3649 0 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "<"
3649 0 0 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "<" and $tok->[1] eq "?"
649 3000 0 scalar @$tok > 5 and $tok->[0] eq "<"
3649 0 0 scalar @$tok > 5 and $tok->[0] eq "<" and $tok->[1] eq "script"
3000 0 0 scalar @$tok > 5 and $tok->[0] eq "<" and $tok->[1] eq "script" and $tok->[2] eq "type"
0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 5 and $tok->[0] eq "<" and $tok->[1] eq "script" and $tok->[2] eq "type" and $tok->[3] eq "="
0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 5 and $tok->[0] eq "<" and $tok->[1] eq "script" and $tok->[2] eq "type" and $tok->[3] eq "=" and $tok->[5] eq ">"
0 3649 0 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "?"
3649 0 0 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "?" and $tok->[1] eq ">"
0 3502 147 scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq "echo"
0 3502 0 scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq "print"
0 3492 10 scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq "namespace"
0 3492 0 scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq "use"
0 3492 0 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] =~ /^(include|include_once|require|require_once)$/i
0 3486 6 scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq "global"
0 3368 118 scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq "return"
0 3367 1 scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq "goto"
0 3367 0 scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq "throw"
0 3365 2 scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq "break"
0 3365 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq "continue"
0 3310 55 scalar @$tok > 0 and lc($tok->[0]) =~ /^(var|static|public|protected|private|final|const)$/
0 3310 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq "__halt_compiler"
97 3089 124 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "if"
3186 0 124 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "if" and $tok->[1] eq "("
97 3080 9 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "switch"
3177 0 9 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "switch" and $tok->[1] eq "("
4 3158 15 scalar @$tok > 2 and lc $tok->[0] eq "case"
0 3162 0 scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq "default"
97 3064 1 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "try"
3161 0 1 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "try" and $tok->[1] eq "{"
97 3044 20 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "for"
3141 0 20 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "for" and $tok->[1] eq "("
97 3034 10 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "while"
3131 0 10 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "while" and $tok->[1] eq "("
97 3027 7 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "do"
3124 0 7 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "do" and $tok->[1] eq "{"
97 3009 18 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "foreach"
3106 0 18 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "foreach" and $tok->[1] eq "("
4 2969 133 scalar @$tok > 2 and $tok->[0] =~ /^array$/i
2973 0 133 scalar @$tok > 2 and $tok->[0] =~ /^array$/i and $tok->[1] eq "("
308 2665 0 scalar @$tok > 4 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'function' || $tok->[0] =~ /^#pfx\d+$/ && lc $tok->[1] eq 'function'
97 2648 0 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'class' || $tok->[0] =~ /^#pfx\d+$/ && lc $tok->[1] eq 'class'
97 2591 1 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "trait"
0 2652 36 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] =~ /^#pfx\d+$/
4 82 2566 scalar @$tok > 2 and not $tok->[0] =~ /^([\~\!\+\-\\]|new)$/i
86 1845 721 scalar @$tok > 2 and not $tok->[0] =~ /^([\~\!\+\-\\]|new)$/i and $tok->[1] eq "("
0 1847 84 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "\$"
1847 84 0 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "\$" and is_symbol($tok->[1])
0 1847 84 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "\$"
1847 78 6 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq "\$" and $tok->[1] =~ /^\$/
70 1777 78 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq "\$"
1847 0 78 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq "\$" and $tok->[1] eq "{"
70 159 1618 scalar @$tok > 3 and is_strict_variable($tok->[0]) || $tok->[0] =~ /^#/
159 1618 0 scalar @$tok > 3 and is_strict_variable($tok->[0]) || $tok->[0] =~ /^#/ and $tok->[1] eq '[' || $tok->[1] eq '{'
2 1407 18 scalar @$tok > 2 and $tok->[0] =~ /^(\+|\-)$/
1409 6 12 scalar @$tok > 2 and $tok->[0] =~ /^(\+|\-)$/ and $tok->[1] eq $tok->[0]
68 1347 0 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq "."
1415 0 0 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq "." and $tok->[1] eq "."
1347 0 0 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq "." and $tok->[1] eq "." and $tok->[2] eq "."
0 1408 7 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] =~ /^\\$/
0 1342 66 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] =~ /^([\~\!\+\-]|new|exception)$/i
0 13 1329 scalar @$tok > 2 and $tok->[1] =~ m[^([\.\+\-\*/\^\&\|\%<>\?\:]|=|\!|==|\!=|<>|<=|>=|<<|>>|===|\!==|<=>|\?\:|\?\?|\&\&|\|\||\+\+|\-\-|and|or|xor|instanceof|\->|::|\\)$]i
1334 57 1 2 is_strval($ref) and $str =~ /^(int|bool|float|string|array|object|unset)$/
1449 270 72 2 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq ":"
342 0 2 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq ":" and $tok->[1] ne ":"
72 0 2 scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq ":" and $tok->[1] ne ":" and not defined $last_op
1457 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 2 and $tok->[2] eq "php"
1480 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq "<"
0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq "<" and $tok->[1] eq "/"
0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq "<" and $tok->[1] eq "/" and $tok->[2] eq "script"
0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq "<" and $tok->[1] eq "/" and $tok->[2] eq "script" and $tok->[3] eq ">"
1512 9 138 9 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ","
1546 0 8 2 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq "{"
1560 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ","
1577 0 6 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ","
1588 0 19 99 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1597 0 0 1 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1608 0 2 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1615 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1623 0 48 7 scalar @$tok > 0 and lc($tok->[0]) =~ /^(var|static|public|protected|private|final|const)$/
1641 0 123 1 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":"
1651 11 5 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1658 68 39 17 scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq "else"
68 33 6 scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq "elseif"
1660 0 17 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":"
1670 0 0 1 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1695 0 9 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":"
0 0 9 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq "{"
1715 13 1 15 $e =~ /^#stmt\d+$/ and lc $self->{'strmap'}{$e}[0] eq "case"
1734 0 1 14 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":"
1737 14 0 1 $expr =~ /^#stmt\d+$/ and lc $self->{'strmap'}{$expr}[0] eq "label"
1745 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":"
1758 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1765 0 1 1 scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq "catch"
1 0 1 scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq "catch" and $tok->[1] eq "("
1772 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1780 0 0 1 scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq "finally"
1785 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1804 0 20 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":"
1814 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1830 0 10 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":"
1840 0 0 1 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1860 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1866 0 0 7 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "while"
0 0 7 scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq "while" and $tok->[1] eq "("
1889 12 0 6 scalar @$expr == 3 and lc $expr->[1] eq "as"
0 0 12 scalar @$expr == 5 and lc $expr->[1] eq "as"
0 0 12 scalar @$expr == 5 and lc $expr->[1] eq "as" and $expr->[3] eq "=>"
1900 0 18 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":"
1910 0 0 1 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";"
1949 0 0 228 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq "("
1956 0 0 228 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq "{"
1992 0 0 56 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq "{"
2005 0 0 1 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq "{"
2025 0 11 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ","
2038 0 9 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ","
2057 457 263 1 defined $last_op and $last_op eq "\$"
2061 457 240 23 defined $last_op and $last_op eq "::"
2065 457 214 26 defined $last_op and $last_op eq "->"
2069 457 212 2 defined $last_op and $last_op eq "\\"
2078 669 0 0 is_strval($cmd) and not is_null($cmd)
2180 354 62 4 defined $last_op and $last_op eq "::"
2184 354 62 0 defined $last_op and $last_op eq "->"
2201 16 80 320 scalar @$arglist == 1 and is_strval($arglist->[0])
16 80 0 scalar @$arglist == 1 and is_symbol($arglist->[0])
2302 1250 63 16 $tok->[1] =~ /^[<>\&\|\*\?]$/ and $tok->[2] eq $tok->[1]
2316 1272 28 29 $tok->[2] eq "=" and $tok->[1] =~ m[^([\.\+\-\*/\^\&\|\%]|<<|>>|\*\*|\?\?)$]
2332 384 871 45 $tok->[1] eq "=" and $tok->[2] eq ">"
2342 1124 95 36 $tok->[1] =~ /^(\+|\-)$/ and $tok->[2] eq $tok->[1]
1219 1 35 $tok->[1] =~ /^(\+|\-)$/ and $tok->[2] eq $tok->[1] and is_strict_variable($tok->[0]) || $tok->[0] =~ /^#(scope|inst)\d+$/
63 310 847 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[1] =~ /^[=\!]$/
373 826 21 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[1] =~ /^[=\!]$/ and $tok->[2] eq "="
1136 16 5 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[1] =~ /^[=\!]$/ and $tok->[2] eq "=" and $tok->[3] eq "="
63 1121 31 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[1] eq "<"
1184 25 6 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[1] eq "<" and $tok->[2] eq "="
1146 3 3 scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[1] eq "<" and $tok->[2] eq "=" and $tok->[3] eq ">"
313 879 20 $tok->[1] =~ /^[=\!<>]$/ and $tok->[2] eq "="
1167 25 0 $tok->[1] eq "<" and $tok->[2] eq ">"
340 852 0 $tok->[1] =~ /^[=\!]$/ and $tok->[2] eq "=="
1136 4 52 $tok->[1] eq "-" and $tok->[2] eq ">"
1099 0 41 $tok->[1] eq ":" and $tok->[2] eq ":"
1080 16 3 $tok->[1] eq "?" and $tok->[2] eq ":"
2450 46 15 1 $op eq "=" and exists $op_unary{$last_op} || !exists $op_right{$last_op}
2463 0 0 15 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":"
2516 968 48 33 $op eq "." and is_strval($op1)
1016 4 29 $op eq "." and is_strval($op1) and scalar @$tok > 2
52 29 0 $op eq "." and is_strval($op1) and scalar @$tok > 2 and is_strval($tok->[0])
33 0 0 $op eq "." and is_strval($op1) and scalar @$tok > 2 and is_strval($tok->[0]) and $tok->[1] eq "."
2519 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 2 and is_strval($tok->[0])
0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 2 and is_strval($tok->[0]) and $tok->[1] eq "."
2596 400 0 0 defined $separator and $stmt eq $separator
2622 272 846 147 defined $separator and $stmt eq $separator
2627 0 147 0 defined $last and $last eq $separator
2651 0 2026 1056 defined $separator and $stmt eq $separator
2716 0 0 236 is_int_index($k) || is_strval($k) and !defined($val) || defined $val && is_strval($val)
2777 0 50 0 defined $i and $i ne $ii
2793 6 266 10 defined $v1 and $v1 ne $vv1
0 272 0 defined $v2 and $v2 ne $vv2
2807 12 0 0 exists $self->{'strmap'}{$m} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$m})
2819 0 0 0 exists $self->{'strmap'}{$c} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$c})
2823 0 0 0 exists $self->{'strmap'}{$e} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$e})
2837 0 0 0 exists $self->{'strmap'}{$n} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$n})
2841 0 0 0 defined $n and $n ne $nn
3001 0 386 0 defined $v and $v ne $arg
3034 13 0 0 defined $else and $else ne $else1
3035 0 0 2 $self->is_empty_block($then1) and !defined($else) || $self->is_empty_block($else1)
3078 0 4 0 defined $key and $key ne $key1
3097 0 0 0 defined $c1 and $c ne $c1
3112 0 0 0 defined $expr and $expr ne $expr1
3129 0 0 0 defined $e1 and $e ne $e1
3137 0 0 0 defined $finally and $finally ne $finally1
3204 1172 0 0 exists $fmt->{'max_strlen'} and length $s > $fmt->{'max_strlen'}
3295 196 1040 6 $op eq "=" and $v1 =~ /^#arr\d+$/
3298 6 18 6 $op ne "=" and $op ne $vop
3301 30 0 0 exists $op_unary{$vop} and $vop ne "new"
30 0 0 exists $op_unary{$vop} and $vop ne "new" and is_variable($vv2) || $vv2 =~ /^#elem\d+$/ || $vv2 =~ /^#call\d+$/
3347 8 78 10 $op ne "?" and $op ne "="
86 2 8 $op ne "?" and $op ne "=" and $op ne $vop
3350 75 13 8 exists $op_unary{$vop} and is_variable($vv2) || $vv2 =~ /^#elem\d+$/ || $vv2 =~ /^#call\d+$/
3383 34 0 0 exists $self->{'strmap'}{$m} and is_strval($m)
3400 4 0 0 exists $self->{'strmap'}{$c} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$c})
3406 4 0 0 exists $self->{'strmap'}{$e} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$e})
3415 0 0 0 exists $self->{'strmap'}{$n} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$n})
3479 254 1 1040 $out->[-1] ne "}" and $out->[-1] ne ":"
3483 4 63 433 scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";"
3505 0 0 0 scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";"
3517 116 0 533 $out->[-1] ne "}" and $out->[-1] ne ":"
3521 18 97 382 scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";"
3644 1 5 8 @$stmts == 1 and $stmts->[0] =~ /#stmt\d+$/
6 3 5 @$stmts == 1 and $stmts->[0] =~ /#stmt\d+$/ and $self->{'strmap'}{$stmts->[0]}[0] eq "if"
3828 0 0 0 scalar @$in > 0 and $in->[0] =~ /^(case|default)$/
3833 0 0 0 $val eq "{" and defined $lastval
0 0 0 $val eq "{" and defined $lastval and $lastval eq "\$"
3836 0 0 0 defined $lastval and $lastval eq "for"
0 0 0 defined $lastval and $lastval eq "switch"
3851 0 0 0 scalar @$in > 0 and not $in->[0] =~ /^(else|catch|finally|\))$/
3873 0 0 0 defined $val and $val eq "}"
3879 0 0 0 defined $val and $val eq ")"
3905 0 0 0 defined $lastval and $lastval ne "\n"
0 0 0 defined $lastval and $lastval ne "\n" and not $lastval =~ /^\t*$/
3906 0 0 0 $val eq "(" and exists $php_keywords{lc $lastval}
0 0 0 $val eq "(" and not is_symbol($lastval)
0 0 0 $val eq "(" and not is_symbol($lastval) and not $lastval =~ /^(\[|\]|\(|\))$/
3908 0 0 0 $val eq '++' || $val eq '--' and is_strict_variable($lastval)
3941 1 4 778 not $fmt->{'avoid_semicolon'} and scalar @out > 0
5 170 608 not $fmt->{'avoid_semicolon'} and scalar @out > 0 and $out[-1] ne "}"
174 433 175 not $fmt->{'avoid_semicolon'} and scalar @out > 0 and $out[-1] ne "}" and $out[-1] ne ";"
4004 102 297 51 $op eq "=" and $v1 =~ /^#elem\d+$/
399 0 51 $op eq "=" and $v1 =~ /^#elem\d+$/ and defined $v2
102 0 297 $op eq "=" and defined $v2
102 283 14 $op eq "=" and defined $v2 and $v2 =~ /^#call\d+$/
102 0 283 $op eq "=" and defined $v2
4060 98 22 54 defined $hint and $hint & 65536
4108 281 0 14 exists $info->{'state'} and $info->{'state'}
4427 0 0 0 $f eq "strlen" and scalar @$a == 1
0 0 0 $f eq "isset" and scalar @$a == 1
0 0 0 $f eq "range" and scalar @$a == 2
0 0 0 $f eq "base64_encode" and scalar @$a == 1
0 0 0 $f eq "base64_decode" and scalar @$a == 1
0 0 0 $f eq "gzinflate" and scalar @$a == 1
0 0 0 $f =~ /^(chr|ord)$/ and scalar @$a == 1
4484 0 0 0 exists $info->{'vars'}{$v} and ($info->{'vars'}{$v} & 65535) == 16
4501 0 0 0 exists $info->{'vars'}{$v} and ($info->{'vars'}{$v} & 65535) == 32
4518 0 0 0 $v1 =~ /^#elem\d+$/ and defined $v2
0 0 0 $v1 =~ /^#elem\d+$/ and defined $v2 and $op eq "="
4520 0 0 0 $op ne "=" and $op ne $vop
4524 0 0 0 $op ne "=" and $op ne $vop
4530 0 0 0 defined $i and is_strict_variable($v)
4543 0 0 0 exists $info->{'vars'}{$v} and ($info->{'vars'}{$v} && 65535) == 32
4598 0 0 0 $op ne "?" and $op ne "="
0 0 0 $op ne "?" and $op ne "=" and $op ne $vop
4602 0 0 0 $op ne "?" and $op ne "="
0 0 0 $op ne "?" and $op ne "=" and $op ne $vop
4686 0 0 0 scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";"
4708 0 0 0 scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";"
4724 0 0 0 scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";"

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
153 0 0 $self->{'max_strlen'} || 60
173 0 0 $self->{'max_strlen'} || 60
523 0 0 $_->[0] // "-"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
128 0 0 0 !$maxlen || $maxlen > $self->{'max_strlen'}
1246 0 0 219 not defined $val or $val eq $close
1277 0 0 33 not defined $val or $val eq $close
1304 4054 3614 65 scalar @$tok == 1 || scalar @$tok > 1 && $tok->[1] =~ /^([\;\,\)\]\}]|as|=>)$/ || scalar @$tok > 2 && $tok->[1] eq ':' && $tok->[2] ne ':'
209 0 2456 lc $tok->[0] eq 'function' || $tok->[0] =~ /^#pfx\d+$/ && lc $tok->[1] eq 'function'
56 0 2592 lc $tok->[0] eq 'class' || $tok->[0] =~ /^#pfx\d+$/ && lc $tok->[1] eq 'class'
1187 431 159 is_strict_variable($tok->[0]) || $tok->[0] =~ /^#/
418 2 1198 $tok->[1] eq '[' || $tok->[1] eq '{'
1373 1 49 8 is_strval($ref) or $ref =~ /^#expr\d+$/
50 6 2 is_strval($ref) or $ref =~ /^#expr\d+$/ or $ref =~ /^#call\d+$/
55 0 2 is_strval($ref) or $ref =~ /^#expr\d+$/ or $ref =~ /^#call\d+$/ or $ref =~ /^#inst\d+$/
1426 1431 4302 350 is_strict_variable($var) or $var =~ /^#/
1734 14 0 1 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":" or $tok->[0] eq ";"
1745 0 0 0 scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":" or $tok->[0] eq ";"
2276 1 6 59 $op eq "+" or $op eq "-"
2342 35 0 1 is_strict_variable($tok->[0]) || $tok->[0] =~ /^#(scope|inst)\d+$/
2431 52 42 1161 $op eq "->" or $op eq "::"
94 9 1152 $op eq "->" or $op eq "::" or $op eq "\\"
2449 27 35 4 $op ne $last_op or not exists $op_right{$op}
2450 3 1 12 exists $op_unary{$last_op} || !exists $op_right{$last_op}
2459 34 1 1049 $op eq "++" or $op eq "--"
2716 236 0 0 is_int_index($k) || is_strval($k)
0 236 0 !defined($val) || defined $val && is_strval($val)
2732 0 0 0 $k ne $k2 or $val ne $newmap{$k2}
2766 0 0 87 $name ne $f or $arg_changed
2777 0 0 50 $v ne $vv or defined $i and $i ne $ii
2793 10 0 272 defined $v1 and $v1 ne $vv1 or defined $v2 and $v2 ne $vv2
2811 0 0 12 $o ne $oo or $m ne $mm
2827 0 0 0 $c ne $cc or $e ne $ee
2841 0 0 0 defined $n and $n ne $nn or $e ne $ee
2909 0 0 0 $v ne $arg or $block1 ne $block
3034 0 2 13 $cond ne $cond1 or $then ne $then1
2 0 13 $cond ne $cond1 or $then ne $then1 or defined $else and $else ne $else1
3035 2 0 0 !defined($else) || $self->is_empty_block($else1)
3046 0 0 0 $cond ne $cond1 or $block ne $block1
3054 0 0 0 $cond ne $cond1 or $block ne $block1
3064 0 0 0 $pre ne $pre1 or $cond ne $cond1
0 0 0 $pre ne $pre1 or $cond ne $cond1 or $post ne $post1
0 0 0 $pre ne $pre1 or $cond ne $cond1 or $post ne $post1 or $block ne $block1
3078 0 0 4 $expr ne $expr1 or defined $key and $key ne $key1
0 0 4 $expr ne $expr1 or defined $key and $key ne $key1 or $value ne $value1
0 1 3 $expr ne $expr1 or defined $key and $key ne $key1 or $value ne $value1 or $block ne $block1
3097 0 0 0 defined $c1 and $c ne $c1 or $b ne $b1
3102 0 0 0 $expr ne $expr1 or $changed
3129 0 0 0 defined $e1 and $e ne $e1 or $b ne $b1
3137 0 0 0 $try ne $try1 or $changed
0 0 0 $try ne $try1 or $changed or defined $finally and $finally ne $finally1
3301 0 0 0 is_variable($vv2) || $vv2 =~ /^#elem\d+$/ || $vv2 =~ /^#call\d+$/
3350 0 8 13 is_variable($vv2) || $vv2 =~ /^#elem\d+$/ || $vv2 =~ /^#call\d+$/
3908 0 0 0 $val eq '++' || $val eq '--'
4004 14 0 58 $op eq "++" or $op eq "--"
4041 0 1 437 $op eq "++" or $op eq "--"