Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 886 1818 48.7

line true false branch
51 0 795 unless my $strmap = $args{'strmap'}
54 725 70 unless exists $self->{'max_strlen'}
58 725 70 unless exists $self->{'filename'}
60 725 70 unless exists $strmap->{'__LINE__'}
61 725 70 unless exists $strmap->{'#null'}
70 0 70 if exists $self->{'log'}
71 0 70 if exists $self->{'debug'}
96 0 0 if $s eq ""
102 0 0 if (/\G([$pat]+)/cgs) { }
0 0 elsif (/\G([^$pat]+)/cgs) { }
103 0 0 exists $ctrlmap{$_} ? :
116 0 0 unless (defined $s)
128 0 0 if ($self->{'max_strlen'} > 0 and !$maxlen || $maxlen > $self->{'max_strlen'})
131 0 0 if ($maxlen and length $s > $maxlen)
143 121 1909 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{'rev'}{$v}) { }
153 0 1909 if $self->{'log'}
164 21 89 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{'rev'}{$v}) { }
173 0 89 if $self->{'log'}
183 182 686 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{'num'}{$v}) { }
192 0 686 if $self->{'log'}
204 0 344 if $self->{'log'}
211 0 274 if $self->{'log'}
223 0 309 if $self->{'log'}
233 0 781 if $self->{'log'}
243 0 538 if $self->{'log'}
253 0 1983 if $self->{'log'}
263 0 2877 if $self->{'log'}
273 0 853 if $self->{'log'}
283 0 55 if $self->{'log'}
293 0 52 if $self->{'log'}
303 0 41 if $self->{'log'}
313 0 8 if $self->{'log'}
323 0 69 if $self->{'log'}
333 0 1 if $self->{'log'}
343 0 34 if $self->{'log'}
353 0 12 if $self->{'log'}
370 0 2 if ($filename eq '__FILE__') { }
376 0 0 if $self->{'log'}
383 0 71 unless ($s =~ /^#\w+\d+$/)
387 0 71 if ($s =~ /^#null$/) { }
0 71 elsif ($s =~ /^#num\d+$/) { }
0 71 elsif ($s =~ /^#const\d+$/) { }
0 71 elsif ($s =~ /^#str\d+$/) { }
0 71 elsif ($s =~ /^#arr\d+$/) { }
0 71 elsif ($s =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
69 2 elsif ($s =~ /^#call\d+$/) { }
2 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#pfx\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#obj\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#scope\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#ns\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#inst\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#ref\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#class\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#trait\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#fh\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#blk\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
406 0 0 defined $f ? :
414 2 0 defined $i ? :
420 0 0 defined $v1 ? :
0 0 defined $v2 ? :
432 0 0 defined $n ? :
443 0 0 defined $c ? :
0 0 exists $p->{'parent'} ? :
448 0 0 defined $t ? :
461 0 0 if ($cmd eq 'echo') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'print') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'namespace') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd =~ /^(include|include_once|require|require_once)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'use') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'global') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'static') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'const') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'unset') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'return') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'goto') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'label') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'throw') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'if') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'while') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'do') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'for') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'foreach') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'switch') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'case') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'try') { }
469 0 0 defined $block ? :
502 0 0 defined $else ? :
514 0 0 defined $key ? :
517 0 0 defined $_->[0] ? :
520 0 0 defined $expr ? :
523 0 0 defined $finally ? :
541 1202 21 if ($s =~ /^(\#(str|num|const)\d+|\#null)$/)
550 64 135 if ($s =~ /^(\#(str|num|const)\d+|\#null)$/)
559 0 0 if ($s =~ /^(\#num\d+|\#null)$/)
568 57 1022 if ($s =~ /^(\#null)$/)
577 259 7302 if ($s =~ /^(\#const\d++)$/)
586 135 55 if ($s =~ /^(\#num\d+)$/)
595 5832 10392 if ($s =~ /^(\#(str|num|const)\d+|\#null)$/)
604 968 1510 if ($s =~ /^#arr\d+$/)
613 4254 8546 if ($s =~ /^#blk\d+$/)
632 3 1 if (length $hex <= 10)
633 0 3 if ($hex =~ /^0X(.*)$/) { }
640 0 1 unless (defined $high)
646 0 1 if ($PHP::Decode::Parser::Config{'ivsize'} == 4) { }
673 6 2257 if (defined $tab->{'strmap'} and $sym eq ')' and $pos > 2 and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 1] =~ /^#num\d+$/ and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 2] eq '(' and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 3] =~ /^chr$/i) { }
680 6 0 if ($val != 0) { }
697 6 3487 if ($sym eq "\n")
699 0 6 if $tab->{'debug'}
711 4 2183 if ($sym eq '__LINE__') { }
731 1041 0 if (defined $tab->{'strmap'}) { }
737 11 984 if ($pos > 1 and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 1] eq "." and $tab->{'tok'}[$pos - 2] =~ /^#str\d+$/)
763 538 0 if (defined $tab->{'strmap'}) { }
767 4 534 if ($sym =~ /^0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+$/) { }
0 534 elsif ($sym =~ /^0[0-7]+$/) { }
6 528 elsif ($sym =~ /^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*/) { }
797 1 7 if (scalar @{$tab->{'tok'};} > 0 and $tab->{'tok'}[-1] ne ";")
937 7443 14033 if ($s =~ /^\$(GLOBALS\$|#inst\d+\$|[\w\x80-\xff]+\$)?(\$|[^\$]*)$/)
946 4442 5897 if ($s =~ /^\$(GLOBALS\$|#inst\d+\$|[\w\x80-\xff]+\$)?[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*$/)
955 1814 272 if ($s =~ /^[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*$/)
964 17 0 if ($s =~ /^#const\d+$/)
965 12 5 if (exists $magic_constants{$self->{'strmap'}{$s}})
977 84 64 if (is_block($s))
979 79 5 if (scalar @$a == 0)
991 694 3099 if (is_block($s)) { }
997 2996 103 if ($s ne "#null")
1009 238 7 if (is_block($s))
1011 147 91 if (scalar @$a == 1)
1076 3 11 if ($var =~ /^#ns\d+$/) { }
8 3 elsif (is_strval($var)) { }
1079 2 1 unless (defined $n)
1083 3 0 if (defined $e)
1101 79 11 if (is_strval($var))
1118 124 480 if ($base =~ /^\$GLOBALS$/)
1120 123 1 if (defined $idxval)
1139 37 17 if (defined $i)
1143 8 29 if (defined $g)
1167 1026 1 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{'__LINEMAP__'}{$var})
1169 0 1026 if ($self->{'strmap'}{'__LINE__'} < $val)
1170 0 0 if $self->{'log'}
1216 0 0 if ($word =~ /^#/) { }
1233 0 244 if (scalar @$tok == 0)
1236 25 219 if ($tok->[0] eq $close)
1241 0 219 if (not defined $val or $val eq $close)
1244 1 218 if ($val eq ",")
1248 218 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0)
1249 103 115 if ($tok->[0] eq $close) { }
82 33 elsif ($tok->[0] eq ',') { }
33 0 elsif ($tok->[0] eq '=>') { }
1260 2 31 if ($key =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
1 30 elsif (is_null($key)) { }
1262 2 0 if ($op eq "-" and not defined $v1)
1264 2 0 if (defined $str and is_int_index($str))
1272 0 33 if (not defined $val or $val eq $close)
1277 33 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0) { }
1278 17 16 if ($tok->[0] eq $close) { }
16 0 elsif ($tok->[0] eq ',') { }
1299 3389 10012 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] =~ /^([\;\:\,\)\]\}]|else|endif|endwhile|endfor|endforeach|as|=>|catch|finally)$/i) { }
16 9996 elsif (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] =~ /^null$/i) { }
184 9812 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq '{') { }
60 9752 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq '(') { }
12 9740 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq '[') { }
8 9732 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq '&') { }
6083 3649 elsif (scalar @$tok == 1 || scalar @$tok > 1 && $tok->[1] =~ /^([\;\,\)\]\}]|as|=>)$/ || scalar @$tok > 2 && $tok->[1] eq ':' && $tok->[2] ne ':' and not exists $php_keywords{$tok->[0]}) { }
0 3649 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq '<' and $tok->[1] eq '?') { }
0 3649 elsif (scalar @$tok > 5 and $tok->[0] eq '<' and $tok->[1] eq 'script' and $tok->[2] eq 'type' and $tok->[3] eq '=' and $tok->[5] eq '>') { }
0 3649 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq '?' and $tok->[1] eq '>') { }
147 3502 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'echo') { }
0 3502 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'print') { }
10 3492 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'namespace') { }
0 3492 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'use') { }
0 3492 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] =~ /^(include|include_once|require|require_once)$/i) { }
6 3486 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'global') { }
118 3368 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'return') { }
1 3367 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'goto') { }
0 3367 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'throw') { }
2 3365 elsif (scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'break') { }
0 3365 elsif (scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'continue') { }
55 3310 elsif (scalar @$tok > 0 and lc($tok->[0]) =~ /^(var|static|public|protected|private|final|const)$/) { }
0 3310 elsif (scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq '__halt_compiler') { }
124 3186 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'if' and $tok->[1] eq '(') { }
9 3177 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'switch' and $tok->[1] eq '(') { }
15 3162 elsif (scalar @$tok > 2 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'case') { }
0 3162 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'default') { }
1 3161 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'try' and $tok->[1] eq '{') { }
20 3141 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'for' and $tok->[1] eq '(') { }
10 3131 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'while' and $tok->[1] eq '(') { }
7 3124 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'do' and $tok->[1] eq '{') { }
18 3106 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'foreach' and $tok->[1] eq '(') { }
133 2973 elsif (scalar @$tok > 2 and $tok->[0] =~ /^array$/i and $tok->[1] eq '(') { }
228 2745 elsif (scalar @$tok > 4 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'function' || $tok->[0] =~ /^#pfx\d+$/ && lc $tok->[1] eq 'function') { }
56 2689 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'class' || $tok->[0] =~ /^#pfx\d+$/ && lc $tok->[1] eq 'class') { }
1 2688 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'trait') { }
36 2652 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] =~ /^#pfx\d+$/) { }
721 1931 elsif (scalar @$tok > 2 and not $tok->[0] =~ /^([\~\!\+\-\\]|new)$/i and $tok->[1] eq '(') { }
0 1931 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq '$' and is_symbol($tok->[1])) { }
6 1925 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq '$' and $tok->[1] =~ /^\$/) { }
78 1847 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq '$' and $tok->[1] eq '{') { }
420 1427 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and is_strict_variable($tok->[0]) || $tok->[0] =~ /^#/ and $tok->[1] eq '[' || $tok->[1] eq '{') { }
12 1415 elsif (scalar @$tok > 2 and $tok->[0] =~ /^(\+|\-)$/ and $tok->[1] eq $tok->[0]) { }
0 1415 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq '.' and $tok->[1] eq '.' and $tok->[2] eq '.') { }
7 1408 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] =~ /^\\$/) { }
66 1342 elsif (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] =~ /^([\~\!\+\-]|new|exception)$/i) { }
1329 13 elsif (scalar @$tok > 2 and $tok->[1] =~ m[^([\.\+\-\*/\^\&\|\%<>\?\:]|=|\!|==|\!=|<>|<=|>=|<<|>>|===|\!==|<=>|\?\:|\?\?|\&\&|\|\||\+\+|\-\-|and|or|xor|instanceof|\->|::|\\)$]i) { }
1324 60 0 if (scalar @$arglist > 0)
1325 60 0 if (scalar @$arglist == 1)
1329 2 58 if (is_strval($ref) and $str =~ /^(int|bool|float|string|array|object|unset)$/)
1336 1 1 if ($str eq 'int') { }
0 1 elsif ($str eq 'integer') { }
1 0 elsif ($str eq 'string') { }
0 0 elsif ($str eq 'binary') { }
0 0 elsif ($str eq 'float') { }
0 0 elsif ($str eq 'double') { }
0 0 elsif ($str eq 'real') { }
0 0 elsif ($str eq 'bool') { }
0 0 elsif ($str eq 'boolean') { }
0 0 elsif ($str eq 'array') { }
0 0 elsif ($str eq 'object') { }
0 0 elsif ($str eq 'unset') { }
1368 6 2 if (is_strval($ref) or $ref =~ /^#expr\d+$/ or $ref =~ /^#call\d+$/ or $ref =~ /^#inst\d+$/)
1421 5733 350 if (is_strict_variable($var) or $var =~ /^#/) { }
0 350 elsif ($var =~ /^__FILE__$/) { }
0 350 elsif ($var =~ /^__LINE__$/) { }
3 347 elsif ($var =~ /^false$/i) { }
3 344 elsif ($var =~ /^true$/i) { }
344 0 elsif (is_symbol($var)) { }
1422 1027 4706 if ($var =~ /^#str/)
1429 0 0 if $self->{'log'}
1433 0 0 if $self->{'log'}
1444 2 0 if (scalar @$tok > 1 and $tok->[0] eq ":" and $tok->[1] ne ":" and not defined $last_op)
1452 0 0 if (scalar @$tok > 2 and $tok->[2] eq 'php') { }
1475 0 0 if (scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[0] eq "<" and $tok->[1] eq "/" and $tok->[2] eq "script" and $tok->[3] eq ">")
1488 0 0 if $self->{'log'}
1501 64 92 unless (is_strval($arg))
1504 156 0 if ($arg ne ",")
1507 147 9 unless (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ",")
1531 9 1 if ($tok->[0] ne "{")
1534 9 0 if (defined $str) { }
1541 2 8 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq "{")
1555 0 0 unless (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ",")
1572 6 0 unless (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ",")
1583 99 19 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1592 1 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1603 0 2 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1610 0 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1618 7 48 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and lc($tok->[0]) =~ /^(var|static|public|protected|private|final|const)$/)
1636 1 123 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ':') { }
1645 16 107 unless (is_block($then))
1646 0 16 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1653 17 107 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'else') { }
6 169 elsif (scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'elseif') { }
1655 0 17 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ':') { }
1664 1 16 unless (is_block($else))
1665 1 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1675 6 0 unless (is_block($else))
1679 0 124 if (scalar @$expr > 1)
1690 0 9 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ':') { }
9 0 elsif (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq '{') { }
1702 0 9 if (scalar @$expr > 1)
1710 15 14 if ($e =~ /^#stmt\d+$/ and lc $self->{'strmap'}{$e}[0] eq 'case') { }
1716 0 14 unless (defined $inst)
1729 14 1 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":" or $tok->[0] eq ";")
1732 1 14 if ($expr =~ /^#stmt\d+$/ and lc $self->{'strmap'}{$expr}[0] eq "label")
1740 0 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ":" or $tok->[0] eq ";")
1752 0 1 unless (is_block($try))
1753 0 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1766 0 1 unless (is_block($block))
1767 0 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1775 1 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and lc $tok->[0] eq "finally")
1779 0 1 unless (is_block($finally))
1780 0 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1799 0 20 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ':') { }
1808 0 20 unless (is_block($block))
1809 0 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1825 0 10 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ':') { }
1834 1 9 unless (is_block($block))
1835 1 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1842 0 10 if (scalar @$expr > 1)
1854 0 7 unless (is_block($block))
1855 0 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1861 7 0 if (scalar @$tok > 3 and lc $tok->[0] eq 'while' and $tok->[1] eq '(') { }
1866 0 7 if (scalar @$expr > 1)
1884 6 12 if (scalar @$expr == 3 and lc $expr->[1] eq 'as') { }
12 0 elsif (scalar @$expr == 5 and lc $expr->[1] eq 'as' and $expr->[3] eq '=>') { }
1895 0 18 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ':') { }
1904 1 17 unless (is_block($block))
1905 1 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ";")
1928 19 209 if ($pfx =~ /^#pfx\d+$/)
1936 212 16 if ($tok->[0] ne "(")
1939 211 1 if (is_strval($cmd))
1944 228 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq '(') { }
1951 228 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq '{') { }
1963 16 212 unless (defined $cmd)
1974 0 56 if ($pfx =~ /^#pfx\d+$/)
1982 0 56 if ($tok->[0] eq "extends")
1987 56 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq "{")
2000 1 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq "{")
2012 36 0 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$sym})
2014 11 25 if (exists $pfx->{'static'})
2020 11 0 unless (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ",")
2027 9 16 if (exists $pfx->{'const'})
2033 9 0 unless (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ",")
2049 78 643 unless (is_symbol($sym))
2052 1 720 if (defined $last_op and $last_op eq "\$")
2056 23 697 if (defined $last_op and $last_op eq "::")
2060 26 671 if (defined $last_op and $last_op eq "->")
2064 2 669 if (defined $last_op and $last_op eq "\\")
2068 16 653 if (is_strict_variable($sym))
2073 0 669 if (is_strval($cmd) and not is_null($cmd))
2076 0 669 if ($cmd =~ /^\@(.*)$/)
2085 5 664 if ($cmd eq 'unset') { }
2 662 elsif ($cmd eq 'list') { }
2138 78 0 if (scalar @$arglist == 1) { }
2140 21 57 if (is_strval($res))
2142 16 5 if (is_symbol($str))
2175 4 416 if (defined $last_op and $last_op eq "::")
2179 0 416 if (defined $last_op and $last_op eq "->")
2186 414 2 if ($bracket eq '[') { }
2191 0 416 if (scalar @$arglist > 1)
2196 320 96 if (scalar @$arglist == 1 and is_strval($arglist->[0])) { }
0 112 elsif (scalar @$arglist == 1 and is_symbol($arglist->[0])) { }
2271 7 59 if ($op eq '+' or $op eq '-') { }
39 20 elsif (lc $op eq 'new') { }
2278 7 32 if ($val =~ /^#(str|const)/)
2297 16 1313 if ($tok->[1] =~ /^[<>\&\|\*\?]$/ and $tok->[2] eq $tok->[1])
2311 29 1300 if ($tok->[2] eq "=" and $tok->[1] =~ m[^([\.\+\-\*/\^\&\|\%]|<<|>>|\*\*|\?\?)$])
2327 45 1255 if ($tok->[1] eq "=" and $tok->[2] eq ">")
2337 35 1220 if ($tok->[1] =~ /^(\+|\-)$/ and $tok->[2] eq $tok->[1] and is_strict_variable($tok->[0]) || $tok->[0] =~ /^#(scope|inst)\d+$/) { }
5 1215 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[1] =~ /^[=\!]$/ and $tok->[2] eq '=' and $tok->[3] eq '=') { }
3 1212 elsif (scalar @$tok > 3 and $tok->[1] eq '<' and $tok->[2] eq '=' and $tok->[3] eq '>') { }
20 1192 elsif ($tok->[1] =~ /^[=\!<>]$/ and $tok->[2] eq '=') { }
0 1192 elsif ($tok->[1] eq '<' and $tok->[2] eq '>') { }
0 1192 elsif ($tok->[1] =~ /^[=\!]$/ and $tok->[2] eq '==') { }
52 1140 elsif ($tok->[1] eq '-' and $tok->[2] eq '>') { }
41 1099 elsif ($tok->[1] eq ':' and $tok->[2] eq ':') { }
3 2176 elsif ($tok->[1] eq '?' and $tok->[2] eq ':') { }
2426 103 1152 if ($op eq '->' or $op eq '::' or $op eq '\\') { }
2431 175 1080 if (defined $last_op)
2432 0 175 unless (exists $op_prio{$op})
2435 0 175 unless (exists $op_prio{$last_op})
2438 0 175 if $self->{'debug'}
2439 66 109 if ($op_prio{$op} >= $op_prio{$last_op})
2444 62 4 if ($op ne $last_op or not exists $op_right{$op})
2445 58 4 unless ($op eq "=" and exists $op_unary{$last_op} || !exists $op_right{$last_op})
2446 0 58 if $self->{'log'}
2454 15 1182 if ($op eq '?') { }
52 1130 elsif ($op eq '->') { }
41 1089 elsif ($op eq '::') { }
5 1084 elsif ($op eq '\\') { }
35 1049 elsif ($op eq '++' or $op eq '--') { }
2458 15 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0 and $tok->[0] eq ':') { }
2471 2 50 if (is_block($op2))
2475 2 0 if (scalar @$a == 1)
2486 1 40 unless (is_symbol($sym))
2511 0 29 if ($op eq "." and is_strval($op1) and scalar @$tok > 2 and is_strval($tok->[0]) and $tok->[1] eq ".")
2533 13 0 if (scalar @$tok > 0)
2538 0 13 if $self->{'log'}
2550 12681 720 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{'_LEVEL'}) { }
2559 5084 8317 scalar @$tok > 10 ? :
2561 2186 11215 $level <= 1 ? :
2562 0 0 scalar @$tok > 10 ? :
0 13401 if $self->{'log'}
2572 0 3544 if ($stmt =~ /^[\)\]\}]$/)
2582 0 416 if $self->{'debug'}
2589 0 816 if $self->{'debug'}
2591 416 400 if ($stmt eq $close) { }
0 400 elsif (defined $separator and $stmt eq $separator) { }
2610 0 1261 if $self->{'debug'}
2615 0 2526 if $self->{'debug'}
2617 1261 1265 if ($stmt eq $close) { }
147 1118 elsif (defined $separator and $stmt eq $separator) { }
2622 0 147 if (defined $last and $last eq $separator)
2639 0 1269 if $self->{'debug'}
2644 0 3558 if $self->{'debug'}
2646 476 3082 if ($stmt eq $close) { }
1056 2026 elsif (defined $separator and $stmt eq $separator) { }
2673 331 454 if (scalar @$stmts == 1)
2686 286 2830 if (defined $k)
2691 0 2830 if (not defined $s) { }
22 2808 elsif ($s =~ /^#null$/) { }
164 2644 elsif ($s =~ /^#num\d+$/) { }
0 2644 elsif ($s =~ /^#const\d+$/) { }
484 2160 elsif ($s =~ /^#str\d+$/) { }
133 2027 elsif ($s =~ /^#arr\d+$/) { }
14 2013 elsif ($s =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
87 1926 elsif ($s =~ /^#call\d+$/) { }
50 1876 elsif ($s =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
282 1594 elsif ($s =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
0 1594 elsif ($s =~ /^#pfx\d+$/) { }
12 1582 elsif ($s =~ /^#obj\d+$/) { }
0 1582 elsif ($s =~ /^#scope\d+$/) { }
0 1582 elsif ($s =~ /^#ns\d+$/) { }
0 1582 elsif ($s =~ /^#inst\d+$/) { }
0 1582 elsif ($s =~ /^#ref\d+$/) { }
0 1582 elsif ($s =~ /^#class\d+$/) { }
0 1582 elsif ($s =~ /^#trait\d+$/) { }
0 1582 elsif ($s =~ /^#fh\d+$/) { }
602 980 elsif ($s =~ /^#blk\d+$/) { }
529 451 elsif ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
352 99 elsif (is_variable($s)) { }
2711 236 0 if (is_int_index($k) || is_strval($k) and !defined($val) || defined $val && is_strval($val)) { }
2717 0 0 unless (is_int_index($k))
2721 0 0 if (defined $val) { }
2727 0 0 if ($k ne $k2 or $val ne $newmap{$k2})
2732 0 133 if ($changed)
2748 0 87 if ($f =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
2757 0 65 if ($v ne $k)
2761 0 87 if ($name ne $f or $arg_changed)
2769 50 0 if (defined $i)
2772 0 50 if ($v ne $vv or defined $i and $i ne $ii)
2782 276 6 if (defined $v1)
2785 282 0 if (defined $v2)
2788 10 272 if (defined $v1 and $v1 ne $vv1 or defined $v2 and $v2 ne $vv2)
2798 12 0 unless ($o =~ /^#call\d+$/)
2802 12 0 unless (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$m} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$m}))
2806 0 12 if ($o ne $oo or $m ne $mm)
2814 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$c} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$c}))
2818 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$e} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$e}))
2822 0 0 if ($c ne $cc or $e ne $ee)
2830 0 0 if (defined $n)
2832 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$n} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$n}))
2836 0 0 if (defined $n and $n ne $nn or $e ne $ee)
2860 93 605 if ($v ne $k) { }
2861 18 75 unless ($self->is_empty_block($v))
2869 85 517 if ($arg_changed)
2874 108 421 if ($cmd eq 'echo') { }
0 421 elsif ($cmd eq 'print') { }
0 421 elsif ($cmd eq 'namespace') { }
0 421 elsif ($cmd =~ /^(include|include_once|require|require_once)$/) { }
0 421 elsif ($cmd eq 'use') { }
8 413 elsif ($cmd eq 'global') { }
8 405 elsif ($cmd eq 'static') { }
0 405 elsif ($cmd eq 'const') { }
0 405 elsif ($cmd eq 'unset') { }
386 19 elsif ($cmd eq 'return') { }
0 19 elsif ($cmd eq 'goto') { }
0 19 elsif ($cmd eq 'label') { }
0 19 elsif ($cmd eq 'throw') { }
15 4 elsif ($cmd eq 'if') { }
0 4 elsif ($cmd eq 'while') { }
0 4 elsif ($cmd eq 'do') { }
0 4 elsif ($cmd eq 'for') { }
4 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'foreach') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'switch') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'case') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'try') { }
2882 0 108 if ($v ne $k)
2886 0 108 if ($arg_changed)
2893 0 0 if ($v ne $arg)
2901 0 0 if (defined $block)
2904 0 0 if ($v ne $arg or $block1 ne $block)
2911 0 0 if ($v ne $arg)
2922 0 0 if ($v ne $k)
2926 0 0 if ($arg_changed)
2937 0 8 if ($v ne $k)
2941 0 8 if ($arg_changed)
2952 0 8 if ($v ne $k)
2956 0 8 if ($arg_changed)
2967 0 0 if ($v ne $k)
2971 0 0 if ($arg_changed)
2982 0 0 if ($v ne $k)
2986 0 0 if ($arg_changed)
2993 386 0 if (defined $v)
2996 0 386 if (defined $v and $v ne $arg)
3003 0 0 if ($v ne $arg)
3010 0 0 if ($v ne $arg)
3017 0 0 if ($v ne $arg)
3026 0 15 if (defined $else)
3029 2 13 if ($cond ne $cond1 or $then ne $then1 or defined $else and $else ne $else1)
3030 2 0 if ($self->is_empty_block($then1) and !defined($else) || $self->is_empty_block($else1)) { }
3041 0 0 if ($cond ne $cond1 or $block ne $block1)
3049 0 0 if ($cond ne $cond1 or $block ne $block1)
3059 0 0 if ($pre ne $pre1 or $cond ne $cond1 or $post ne $post1 or $block ne $block1)
3067 4 0 if (defined $key)
3073 1 3 if ($expr ne $expr1 or defined $key and $key ne $key1 or $value ne $value1 or $block ne $block1)
3087 0 0 if (defined $c)
3092 0 0 if (defined $c1 and $c ne $c1 or $b ne $b1)
3097 0 0 if ($expr ne $expr1 or $changed)
3104 0 0 unless (defined $expr)
3107 0 0 if (defined $expr and $expr ne $expr1)
3124 0 0 if (defined $e1 and $e ne $e1 or $b ne $b1)
3129 0 0 if (defined $finally)
3132 0 0 if ($try ne $try1 or $changed or defined $finally and $finally ne $finally1)
3139 98 2732 if ($s ne $s0)
3140 0 98 if $self->{'debug'}
3158 0 1173 if (exists $fmt->{'escape_ctrl'}) { }
3172 0 8423 if (not defined $s) { }
30 8393 elsif ($s =~ /^#null$/) { }
570 7823 elsif ($s =~ /^#num\d+$/) { }
23 7800 elsif ($s =~ /^#const\d+$/) { }
1172 6628 elsif ($s =~ /^#str\d+$/) { }
186 6442 elsif ($s =~ /^#arr\d+$/) { }
239 6203 elsif ($s =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
370 5833 elsif ($s =~ /^#call\d+$/) { }
275 5558 elsif ($s =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
1323 4235 elsif ($s =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
16 4219 elsif ($s =~ /^#pfx\d+$/) { }
34 4185 elsif ($s =~ /^#obj\d+$/) { }
4 4181 elsif ($s =~ /^#scope\d+$/) { }
0 4181 elsif ($s =~ /^#ns\d+$/) { }
21 4160 elsif ($s =~ /^#inst\d+$/) { }
8 4152 elsif ($s =~ /^#ref\d+$/) { }
56 4096 elsif ($s =~ /^#class\d+$/) { }
1 4095 elsif ($s =~ /^#trait\d+$/) { }
0 4095 elsif ($s =~ /^#fh\d+$/) { }
1099 2996 elsif ($s =~ /^#blk\d+$/) { }
537 2459 elsif ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
1827 632 elsif (is_variable($s)) { }
3178 570 0 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$s})
3179 570 0 unless (exists $fmt->{'unified'})
3185 23 0 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$s})
3186 23 0 unless (exists $fmt->{'unified'})
3192 1172 0 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$s})
3193 1172 0 unless (exists $fmt->{'unified'})
3195 0 1172 if (exists $fmt->{'mask_eval'})
3199 0 1172 if (exists $fmt->{'max_strlen'} and length $s > $fmt->{'max_strlen'})
3216 278 0 if (defined $val)
3221 162 24 if (scalar @$keys > 0)
3232 213 26 if (defined $f)
3241 100 139 if (scalar @$a > 0)
3258 4 366 if ($f =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
3271 169 201 if (scalar @$a > 0)
3280 254 21 if (defined $i)
3289 1272 51 if (defined $v1)
3290 30 1242 if ($v1 =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
6 1236 elsif ($op eq '=' and $v1 =~ /^#arr\d+$/) { }
3293 6 24 if ($op ne "=" and $op ne $vop)
3296 0 0 if (exists $op_unary{$vop} and $vop ne "new" and is_variable($vv2) || $vv2 =~ /^#elem\d+$/ || $vv2 =~ /^#call\d+$/)
3299 6 24 if ($add_brace)
3303 6 24 if ($add_brace)
3317 12 1 if (defined $val)
3318 0 12 unless ($numerical)
3326 6 0 if (scalar @$keys > 0)
3335 1288 35 if (defined $v2)
3336 24 1264 if ($op eq "\$")
3339 96 1192 if ($v2 =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
3342 8 80 if ($op ne "?" and $op ne "=" and $op ne $vop)
3345 8 13 if (exists $op_unary{$vop} and is_variable($vv2) || $vv2 =~ /^#elem\d+$/ || $vv2 =~ /^#call\d+$/)
3348 7 89 if ($add_brace)
3352 7 89 if ($add_brace)
3358 24 1264 if ($op eq "\$")
3370 0 34 if ($o =~ /^#call\d+$/) { }
3378 0 34 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$m} and is_strval($m)) { }
3380 0 0 if (is_symbol($sym)) { }
3395 0 4 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$c} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$c})) { }
3401 0 4 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$e} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$e})) { }
3409 0 0 if (defined $n)
3410 0 0 if (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$n} and is_symbol($self->{'strmap'}{$n})) { }
3437 0 56 if (exists $p->{'parent'})
3460 93 1006 if ($type eq 'expr') { }
500 506 elsif ($type eq 'flat') { }
8 498 elsif ($type eq 'case') { }
1 497 elsif ($type eq 'brace') { }
3465 82 11 if (scalar @$a > 0)
3471 0 1295 if ($k =~ /^#pfx\d+$/)
3474 1040 255 if ($out->[-1] ne "}" and $out->[-1] ne ":")
3478 433 67 if (scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";")
3479 0 433 if $fmt->{'avoid_semicolon'}
3486 8 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
3490 1 0 if (scalar @$a == 1) { }
3496 0 0 if ($out->[-1] ne ")")
3500 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";")
3509 16 649 if ($k =~ /^#pfx\d+$/)
3512 533 116 if ($out->[-1] ne "}" and $out->[-1] ne ":")
3516 382 115 if (scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";")
3517 0 382 if $fmt->{'avoid_semicolon'}
3523 183 354 if ($cmd eq 'echo') { }
0 354 elsif ($cmd eq 'print') { }
10 344 elsif ($cmd eq 'namespace') { }
0 344 elsif ($cmd =~ /^(include|include_once|require|require_once)$/) { }
0 344 elsif ($cmd eq 'use') { }
6 338 elsif ($cmd eq 'global') { }
11 327 elsif ($cmd eq 'static') { }
9 318 elsif ($cmd eq 'const') { }
5 313 elsif ($cmd eq 'unset') { }
116 197 elsif ($cmd eq 'return') { }
1 196 elsif ($cmd eq 'goto') { }
1 195 elsif ($cmd eq 'label') { }
0 195 elsif ($cmd eq 'throw') { }
103 92 elsif ($cmd eq 'if') { }
16 76 elsif ($cmd eq 'while') { }
8 68 elsif ($cmd eq 'do') { }
31 37 elsif ($cmd eq 'for') { }
29 8 elsif ($cmd eq 'foreach') { }
6 2 elsif ($cmd eq 'switch') { }
0 2 elsif ($cmd eq 'case') { }
1 1 elsif ($cmd eq 'try') { }
3530 183 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
3541 9 1 if ($arg ne "")
3544 2 8 if (defined $block)
3558 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
3568 6 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
3581 11 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
3594 9 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
3605 5 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
3633 14 89 if (defined $else)
3638 14 0 is_block($else) ? :
3639 5 9 if (@$stmts == 1 and $stmts->[0] =~ /#stmt\d+$/ and $self->{'strmap'}{$stmts->[0]}[0] eq 'if') { }
3681 19 10 if (defined $key)
3699 8 0 if (defined $c) { }
3713 0 0 if (not defined $expr) { }
3735 1 0 if (defined $finally)
3744 35 1792 if (defined $global) { }
3752 14 1778 if (defined $class) { }
4 1774 elsif ($s eq '$') { }
1 1773 elsif (not is_strict_variable($s)) { }
3775 12 620 if (defined $class) { }
3776 0 12 if ($class =~ /^(#inst\d+)$/) { }
3810 0 0 unless (defined $val)
3813 0 0 if ($val eq "}")
3818 0 0 if ($val =~ /^(case|default)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($val =~ /^(function|class)$/) { }
3823 0 0 if (scalar @$in > 0 and $in->[0] =~ /^(case|default)$/)
3828 0 0 if ($val eq '{' and defined $lastval and $lastval eq '$') { }
0 0 elsif ($val eq '(') { }
0 0 elsif ($val eq '{') { }
0 0 elsif ($val eq ';') { }
0 0 elsif ($val eq ':') { }
3831 0 0 if (defined $lastval and $lastval eq 'for') { }
0 0 elsif (defined $lastval and $lastval eq 'switch') { }
3839 0 0 if ($isswitch) { }
3846 0 0 if (scalar @$in > 0 and not $in->[0] =~ /^(else|catch|finally|\))$/)
3852 0 0 unless ($isfor)
3857 0 0 if ($iscase)
3868 0 0 if (defined $val and $val eq "}")
3869 0 0 if ($varblk == 0)
3874 0 0 if (defined $val and $val eq ")")
3889 0 0 unless (defined $val)
3900 0 0 if (defined $lastval and $lastval ne "\n" and not $lastval =~ /^\t*$/)
3901 0 0 if (not $val =~ /^(\[|\]|\(|\)|\;|\,|\\n|->|::)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($val eq '(' and exists $php_keywords{lc $lastval}) { }
0 0 elsif ($val eq '(' and not is_symbol($lastval) and not $lastval =~ /^(\[|\]|\(|\))$/) { }
3902 0 0 unless ($lastval =~ /^(\[|\(|\!|\~|->|::)$/)
3903 0 0 unless ($val eq '++' || $val eq '--' and is_strict_variable($lastval))
3908 0 0 unless ($lastval =~ /^(array|empty|isset|unset|list)$/)
3932 781 2 unless defined $fmt
3936 175 603 if (not $fmt->{'avoid_semicolon'} and scalar @out > 0 and $out[-1] ne "}" and $out[-1] ne ";")
3939 0 783 if (exists $fmt->{'indent'})
3955 681 4790 if ($s =~ /^#blk\d+$/) { }
12 4778 elsif ($s =~ /^#const\d+$/) { }
286 4492 elsif ($s =~ /^#arr\d+$/) { }
23 4469 elsif ($s =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
482 3987 elsif ($s =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
174 3813 elsif ($s =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
9 3804 elsif ($s =~ /^#obj\d+$/) { }
19 3785 elsif ($s =~ /^#inst\d+$/) { }
0 3785 elsif ($s =~ /^#scope\d+$/) { }
0 3785 elsif ($s =~ /^#ns\d+$/) { }
0 3785 elsif ($s =~ /^#ref\d+$/) { }
295 3490 elsif ($s =~ /^#call\d+$/) { }
0 3490 elsif ($s =~ /^#pfx\d+$/) { }
19 3471 elsif ($s =~ /^#class\d+$/) { }
0 3471 elsif ($s =~ /^#trait\d+$/) { }
0 3471 elsif ($s =~ /^#fh\d+$/) { }
582 2889 elsif ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
750 2139 elsif (is_variable($s)) { }
3976 21 436 unless (is_int_index($k))
3979 457 0 if (defined $val)
3984 264 22 if ($haskey) { }
3991 8 15 if (defined $f) { }
3998 450 32 if (defined $v1)
3999 51 399 if ($op eq '=' and $v1 =~ /^#elem\d+$/ and defined $v2) { }
14 385 elsif ($op eq '=' and defined $v2 and $v2 =~ /^#call\d+$/) { }
283 102 elsif ($op eq '=' and defined $v2) { }
30 72 elsif ($op eq '.') { }
14 58 elsif ($op eq '++' or $op eq '--') { }
4002 34 17 if (defined $i) { }
4010 0 14 if ($f eq 'range') { }
4024 348 102 if ($op eq '=') { }
14 88 elsif ($op eq '++') { }
0 88 elsif ($op eq '--') { }
4035 468 14 if (defined $v2)
4036 30 438 if ($op eq '.') { }
1 437 elsif ($op eq '++' or $op eq '--') { }
4043 0 468 if ($op eq '++') { }
1 467 elsif ($op eq '--') { }
4053 174 0 if (defined $v)
4055 54 120 if defined $hint and $hint & 65536
4056 157 17 if (defined $i) { }
4062 157 17 if (defined $i)
4068 22 135 if (defined $g)
4074 4 5 if (lc $o ne "\$this")
4077 9 0 if (defined $m)
4082 19 0 if (defined $c)
4087 0 0 if (defined $e)
4092 0 0 if (defined $e)
4097 0 0 if (defined $v)
4103 14 281 if (exists $info->{'state'} and $info->{'state'}) { }
4111 3 180 if ($f eq 'strlen') { }
2 178 elsif ($f eq 'base64_decode') { }
0 178 elsif ($f eq 'gzinflate') { }
4136 128 454 if ($cmd eq 'echo') { }
0 454 elsif ($cmd eq 'print') { }
0 454 elsif ($cmd eq 'namespace') { }
0 454 elsif ($cmd =~ /^(include|include_once|require|require_once)$/) { }
0 454 elsif ($cmd eq 'use') { }
9 445 elsif ($cmd eq 'global') { }
6 439 elsif ($cmd eq 'static') { }
0 439 elsif ($cmd eq 'const') { }
0 439 elsif ($cmd eq 'unset') { }
276 163 elsif ($cmd eq 'return') { }
0 163 elsif ($cmd eq 'goto') { }
0 163 elsif ($cmd eq 'label') { }
0 163 elsif ($cmd eq 'throw') { }
129 34 elsif ($cmd eq 'if') { }
6 28 elsif ($cmd eq 'while') { }
1 27 elsif ($cmd eq 'do') { }
8 19 elsif ($cmd eq 'for') { }
11 8 elsif ($cmd eq 'foreach') { }
7 1 elsif ($cmd eq 'switch') { }
0 1 elsif ($cmd eq 'case') { }
0 1 elsif ($cmd eq 'try') { }
1 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'break') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'continue') { }
4148 0 0 if (defined $block)
4189 1 275 if exists $info->{'state'}
4211 15 114 if (defined $else)
4239 7 4 if (defined $key)
4254 9 0 if (defined $c)
4262 0 0 if (defined $expr)
4275 0 0 if (defined $finally)
4286 48 702 if (defined $global) { }
4289 469 233 if (defined $hint) { }
4291 132 337 unless $hint & 65536
4306 0 0 if (not defined $s) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#null$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#num\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#const\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#str\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#arr\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#fun\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#call\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#elem\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#pfx\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#obj\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#scope\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#ns\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#inst\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#ref\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#class\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#trait\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#fh\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#blk\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($s =~ /^#stmt\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif (is_variable($s)) { }
4312 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$s})
4319 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$s})
4324 0 0 unless (is_symbol($s))
4330 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$s})
4348 0 0 if (is_int_index($k)) { }
4351 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4354 0 0 if (defined $val) { }
4355 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $val, $info)
4361 0 0 if (scalar @$keys > 0)
4369 0 0 if (defined $f)
4370 0 0 unless (is_symbol($f))
4379 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
4383 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4394 0 0 if (keys %{$$info{"locals"};} > 0)
4398 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4409 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4418 0 0 unless (is_symbol($f))
4422 0 0 if ($f eq 'strlen' and scalar @$a == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($f eq 'isset' and scalar @$a == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($f eq 'range' and scalar @$a == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($f eq 'base64_encode' and scalar @$a == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($f eq 'base64_decode' and scalar @$a == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($f eq 'gzinflate' and scalar @$a == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($f =~ /^(chr|ord)$/ and scalar @$a == 1) { }
4428 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $a->[0], $info)
4430 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $a->[1], $info)
4437 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $a->[0], $info)
4446 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $a->[0], $info)
4454 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $a->[0], $info)
4469 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4472 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
4479 0 0 if (exists $info->{'vars'}{$v} and ($info->{'vars'}{$v} & 65535) == 16)
4482 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $v, $info)
4484 0 0 if (defined $i) { }
4485 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $i, $info)
4494 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $v, $info)
4496 0 0 if (exists $info->{'vars'}{$v} and ($info->{'vars'}{$v} & 65535) == 32) { }
4498 0 0 if (defined $i)
4499 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $i, $info)
4504 0 0 if (defined $i)
4505 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $i, $info)
4512 0 0 if (defined $v1)
4513 0 0 if ($v1 =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($v1 =~ /^#elem\d+$/ and defined $v2 and $op eq '=') { }
4515 0 0 if ($op ne "=" and $op ne $vop)
4518 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $v1, $info)
4519 0 0 if ($op ne "=" and $op ne $vop)
4525 0 0 if (defined $i and is_strict_variable($v)) { }
4538 0 0 if (exists $info->{'vars'}{$v} and ($info->{'vars'}{$v} && 65535) == 32) { }
4546 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $v, $info)
4549 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $v2, $info)
4557 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $v, $info)
4574 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $v1, $info)
4577 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $v1, $info)
4580 0 0 if ($op eq '==') { }
0 0 elsif ($op eq '!=') { }
4587 0 0 if (defined $v2)
4588 0 0 if ($op eq "\$")
4591 0 0 if ($v2 =~ /^#expr\d+$/) { }
4593 0 0 if ($op ne "?" and $op ne "=" and $op ne $vop)
4596 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $v2, $info)
4597 0 0 if ($op ne "?" and $op ne "=" and $op ne $vop)
4601 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $v2, $info)
4603 0 0 if ($op eq "\$")
4608 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'strmap'}{$s})
4613 0 0 if (exists $pfx->{'global'})
4642 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $v, $info)
4663 0 0 if ($type eq 'expr') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'flat') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'case') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'brace') { }
4665 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4668 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
4673 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4674 0 0 if ($k =~ /^#pfx\d+$/)
4677 0 0 if ($out->[-1] ne "}")
4681 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";")
4686 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4689 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
4693 0 0 if (scalar @$a == 1) { }
4694 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $a->[0], $info)
4698 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4699 0 0 if ($out->[-1] ne ")")
4703 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";")
4711 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4712 0 0 if ($k =~ /^#pfx\d+$/)
4715 0 0 if ($out->[-1] ne "}")
4719 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0 and $out->[-1] eq ";")
4726 0 0 if ($cmd eq 'echo') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'print') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'namespace') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd =~ /^(include|include_once|require|require_once)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'use') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'global') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'static') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'const') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'unset') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'return') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'goto') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'label') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'if') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'while') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'do') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'for') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'foreach') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'switch') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'break') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'continue') { }
4730 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4733 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0)
4739 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $arg, $info)
4747 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $arg, $info)
4771 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $a, $info)
4785 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $cond, $info)
4787 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $then, $info)
4788 0 0 if (defined $else)
4790 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $else, $info)
4797 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $cond, $info)
4799 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $block, $info)
4804 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $block, $info)
4807 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $cond, $info)
4815 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $pre, $info)
4817 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $cond, $info)
4819 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $post, $info)
4821 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $block, $info)
4825 0 0 if (defined $key) { }
4831 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $key, $info)
4842 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $expr, $info)
4848 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $value, $info)
4850 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $expr, $info)
4853 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $key, $info)
4860 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $k, $info)
4870 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $value, $info)
4872 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $expr, $info)
4875 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $block, $info)
4883 0 0 if (not defined $c) { }
4884 0 0 if ($first)
4890 0 0 if ($first) { }
4897 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $expr, $info)
4900 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $c, $info)
4905 0 0 unless $self->translate_stmt($out, $b, $info)
4918 0 0 if (defined $global)
4922 0 0 unless (is_symbol($s))
4938 0 0 unless ($s =~ /^#fun\d+$/)
4950 0 0 if (scalar @$a > 0) { }
4955 0 0 unless exists $info->{'args'}{$v}
4958 0 0 unless exists $info->{'vars'}{$v}
4963 0 0 if (keys %{$$info{"args"};})
4964 0 0 $info->{'vars'}{$_} ne '1' ? :
0 0 if $self->{'log'}
4966 0 0 if (keys %{$$info{"locals"};})
4967 0 0 $info->{'vars'}{$_} ne '1' ? :
0 0 if $self->{'log'}
4969 0 0 if (keys %{$$info{"globals"};})
4970 0 0 if $self->{'log'}
4972 0 0 if (keys %{$$info{"calls"};})
4973 0 0 if $self->{'log'}
4975 0 0 if (keys %{$$info{'returns'};}) { }
4976 0 0 if $self->{'log'}
4982 0 0 unless ($self->translate_stmt(\@out, $f, $info))
4986 0 0 if ($format)