Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 40 68 58.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
169 1 1 183 $$data{'meta-spec'} && $$data{'meta-spec'}{'version'}
343 3 373 38 defined $data and not ref $data
347 376 0 0 defined $$spec{'mandatory'} and not defined $$data[0]
503 1 0 1039 defined $value and $value ne ''
506 7 0 1032 defined $scheme and length $scheme
510 0 0 1032 defined $auth and length $auth
526 0 0 0 $value and $known_specs{$$self{'spec'}} eq $value
527 0 0 0 $value and $known_urls{$value}
539 0 1 2 defined $value and $value =~ /@/
578 2 6 1801 $value || $value =~ /^0$/ and not $value =~ /$regex/
579 0 1800 1 $min and length $value < $min
583 911 888 1 $max and length $value > $max
611 1 552 0 defined $value and $value || $value eq '0'
695 0 2 31 $value and exists $licenses{$value}
706 0 5 5 $key and $key =~ /^x_/i
717 0 0 0 $key and $key =~ /^([a-z][_a-z]+)$/i
729 0 1 195 length $key and grep {$key eq $_;} @valid_phases
740 0 1 376 length $key and grep {$key eq $_;} @valid_relations

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
750 12 66 shift() || 'Field'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
549 1275 0 4 $value or $value =~ /^0$/
578 1807 0 2 $value || $value =~ /^0$/
597 0 0 0 $value or $value =~ /^0$/
611 376 176 0 $value || $value eq '0'