Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 28 78.5

line true false branch
131 6 1 if ($@ and hadWaittingExceptions()) { }
0 1 elsif ($@) { }
134 1 5 if checkException @catch
158 7 7 if (@_ > 0)
169 6 8 if (not $$PException::_XCPHDL_{'ONFLY'} and $$PException::_XCPHDL_{'CANDIE'}) { }
8 0 elsif (not $$PException::_XCPHDL_{'ONFLY'}) { }
194 0 8 if ref $sc
258 3 5 unless (defined $c)
259 0 3 unless $c = $s->can('handleException')
264 8 2 if (my(@tmp) = grep({$_->isa($s);} @{$$PException::_XCPHDL_{'EXCEPTIONS'};}))
308 8 0 if (hadWaittingExceptions()) { }
313 8 0 if (scalar @{$$PException::_XCPHDL_{'STACKFLY'};}) { }
332 2 5 if $$PException::_XCPHDL_{'FRESH'} and scalar @{$$PException::_XCPHDL_{'FLYS'};}
336 6 2 if (checkException @tmp)