Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 105 26.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
340 10 99 0 defined $result and $result eq 'DO NOT SET!!'
885 0 0 0 defined $opt->{'At'} and $opt->{'At'} =~ /^(Top|Bot|Middle)$/
1136 1 0 0 exists $obj{'Dump'} and $obj{'Dump'}
0 0 0 exists $obj{'Dump'} and $obj{'Dump'} and $main::PP_VERBOSE
1169 0 0 0 $options and ref $options eq 'HASH'
0 0 0 $options and ref $options eq 'HASH' and $options->{'infavor'}
1872 2 0 0 exists $parobjs->{$_} && exists $parobjs->{$_}{'FlagOut'} && !exists $parobjs->{$_}{'FlagCreateAlways'}
1876 2 0 0 exists $parobjs->{$_} && exists $parobjs->{$_}{'FlagOut'} && exists $parobjs->{$_}{'FlagCreateAlways'}
1878 0 2 0 exists $parobjs->{$_} && exists $parobjs->{$_}{'FlagTemp'}
2040 0 2 0 exists $parobjs->{$x} and exists $parobjs->{$x}{'FlagOut'}
2128 1 0 0 exists $parobjs->{$_} && exists $parobjs->{$_}{'FlagOut'} && !exists $parobjs->{$_}{'FlagCreateAlways'}
2133 1 0 0 exists $parobjs->{$_} && exists $parobjs->{$_}{'FlagOut'} && exists $parobjs->{$_}{'FlagCreateAlways'}
2137 0 1 0 exists $parobjs->{$_} && exists $parobjs->{$_}{'FlagTemp'}
2172 1 0 0 defined $badflag and $badflag == 0
2223 0 1 0 exists $parobjs->{$x} and exists $parobjs->{$x}{'FlagOut'}
2360 0 0 0 defined $bflag and $bflag
2387 0 0 0 defined $bflag and $bflag
2404 2 0 0 $doc eq '' and not defined $doc
2 0 0 $doc eq '' and not defined $doc and $doc == undef
2536 2 0 0 $hasp2child and $#$gentypes != $ntypes
2883 0 0 0 $switched_to_other_pars and $arg =~ /$pars_re/
2922 0 0 0 @otherpars > 0 and $arg =~ /$pars_re/

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
182 0 0 270 $nargs < 0 or $nargs > 3
594 109 0 0 defined $syms{$1} or confess("$1 not defined in '${ret}'!")
966 2 2 17 /%\{/ or /%}/
1397 0 0 0 /^$/ or /^#/
1898 0 0 2 $out{$_} or $outca{$_}
1936 0 0 0 $tmp{$x} or $outca{$x}
1960 0 0 2 $out{$x} or $tmp{$x}
0 0 2 $out{$x} or $tmp{$x} or $outca{$x}
2152 0 0 1 $other{$x} or $out{$x}
0 0 1 $other{$x} or $out{$x} or $tmp{$x}
0 0 1 $other{$x} or $out{$x} or $tmp{$x} or $outca{$x}
2545 0 0 2 $ignore->{$_} or $po->{'FlagTyped'}
0 0 2 $ignore->{$_} or $po->{'FlagTyped'} or $po->{'FlagCreateAlways'}